CX: Bioelectronics and Sensors

Bioelectronics and Sensors Concentration Program

Overview / نظرة عامة

This interdisciplinary concentration merges two fields: biology and electronics. Bioelectronics and sensor as a field is considered a major contributor to the advances in the medical field. Examples of bioelectronics applications include electrocardiographs (ECG), electroencephalograph (EEG), cochlear implants, cardiac pacemaker, blood glucose meter and blood pressure monitors.

This concentration is designed to equip the students with the fundamentals and concepts necessary for them to understand, design and implement a complete bioelectronics system. Topics covered in this concertation include cell biology, bioelectricity, physical operation and micro/nanofabrication techniques of biosensors, analogy front end conditioning techniques for biosignals. Students are also introduced to embedded systems programming and interfacing.

هذا التخصص يجمع بين مجالين: علم الأحياء والإلكترونيات. يُعتبر مجال الإلكترونيات الحيوية وأجهزة الاستشعار من المساهمين الرئيسيين في التطورات في المجال الطبي. من أمثلة تطبيقات الإلكترونيات الحيوية: أجهزة تخطيط القلب (ECG)، وأجهزة تخطيط الدماغ الكهربائي (EEG)، وزراعة القوقعة، ومنظمات ضربات القلب، وأجهزة قياس نسبة السكر في الدم، وأجهزة قياس ضغط الدم.

يهدف هذا التخصص إلى تزويد الطلاب بالأساسيات والمفاهيم اللازمة لفهم وتصميم وتنفيذ نظام إلكترونيات حيوية متكامل. تشمل الموضوعات التي يغطيها هذا التخصص علم بيولوجيا الخلية، والكهرباء الحيوية، وآليات التشغيل الفيزيائية وتقنيات التصنيع الميكروي/النانو لأجهزة الاستشعار الحيوية، وتقنيات معالجة الإشارات الحيوية الأمامية التناظرية. كما يتم تقديم برمجة الأنظمة المدمجة وواجهاتها للطلاب.

Application for the Concentration Program

Eligibility Criteria


  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
  • Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
  • Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
  • Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.


  • Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February).
  • Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.

Hosting Department:

  • Electrical Engineering

For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.

To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.

Offered To:

Major Pre/Co-requisites Notes
Electrical Engineering (EE) EE 203
Control & Instrumentation Engineering (CIE) EE 236

Courses in the Concentration

Course Course Title Brief Description Pre-requisites Instructors Average GPA Notes
COE 450 Introduction to Smart Systems Covers sensors, actuators, embedded systems, and power management. EE 203, or EE 234, or EE 236 Dr. Luai AlAwami
EE 427 Bioelectronics The course covers bioelectronics, sensors, biosignal conditioning, and CAD tools. EE 203, or EE 234, or EE 236 Dr. Alaael-Din Hussein
EE 439( previously EE 436) Micro/Nanofabrication for Bioelectronics and Sensing Basics of microfabrication, CMOS technology, MEMS, and emerging technologies in Bioelectronics. EE 203, or EE 234, or EE 236 Dr. Jhonathan Rojas
LS 401 Cell Biology and Bioelectricity The course covers cell biology, bioelectric signals, genetic flow, and physiology of bioelectricity in organisms. Junior or Senior Standing
Semester Course 1 Course 2
First Semester (Fall) COE 450 EE 427
Second Semester (Spring) LS 401 EE 439

Special Benefits

  • Hands-on Experience:

  • Industry Relevance:

  • Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:

  • Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:

  • Softwares and Applications Utilized:

  • Other Benefits:



Photo Name Courses Office Number Email Telephone Office Hours Department Specialization Taqeem Post Coordinator
Dr. Alaael-Din Hussein EE 427 Building 59 Room 0058 966-13-860 4868 - Electrical Engineering Electronics Taqeem Post :heavy_check_mark: Program Coordinator
Dr. Louai Al-Awami COE 450 Building 22 Room 202 966-13-860 1948 - Computer Engineering Smart and Embedded Systems Taqeem Post
Dr. Jhonathan Rojas EE 439 Building 59 Room 1069 966-13-860 8867 - Electrical Engineering Electronics Taqeem Post
Dr. Yaqub Mahnashi - Building 59 Room 1058 966-13-860 8369 - Electrical Engineering Bio-inspired Electronics Taqeem Post

Miscellaneous Information

  • Number of Students in a Single Batch:

  • Information about Previous Batches:

  • Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:

  • Interested Companies/ Organizations:

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