تجميع أسئلة السلايدس ee206

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته …
شباب بكره الاختبار

وودنا نجمع هنا كل الاسئلة هنا
بحيث نصير نذاكر الاسئلة دايركت بدون الرجوع للسلايدات

تقدر تشوفها في الدسكشن وياليت تحط حقتك الأسئلة هناك

Q1: what is the modulation?
A) The act of modifying the carrier frequency according to the information being sent.
B) The act of transmitting the wave through the antenna.
C) The act of modifying the information being sent according to the carrier frequency.
D) A special way to receive the signal through the antenna.
Answer: A
Q2: Why do we need the envelope detector?
A) To choose between different radio stations.
B) To separate the original wave from the modulated wave.
C) To control the volume of the speaker.
D) To strength the weak wave frequency.
Answer: B
Q3: What does AM stand for?
A) Amplitude Modulation.
B) Amplifying Mixers.
C) Anti Modulation.
D) Amplitude Mixers.
Answer: A
Q4: which type of modulation has better sound quality?
a) FM
b) AM
c) FM/AM
d) Both don not have a good sound quality
Answer: A

الأسئلة غير موجودة في الدسكشن !!!!!1

انت مع معن كوسى ولالا ؟؟

لا … كان حطيت اسم الدكتور افضل ؟؟؟!!!