is it good to put that in a resume ؟

i’m wondering if i could put a link in a resume that allows the recruiter to see my references including national ID and the other references ?

i would use my google drive account and upload my references on it

waiting for your opinions

sorry for writing in english

Not a good idea … If you are short on space, just say references will be supplied upon request


yeah short in space :disappointed:

i just want to show that im serious by providing all the documents
thank you :heart:

I would not recommend it , maybe some recruiters will use your ID for saudization & dont put any reference . if they are interested they will call you

ما أنصحك تحط أي رفرنس أو صور شهادات أو هوية في السي في
حط لك نقطة في الأخير (All legal documentation, references and certificates will be provided upon request)

I read somewhere that you don’t even need to put the “references available upon request” because it goes without saying. It’s like stating the obvious.

already tried it…

Made a simple website with a summary of all the projects that I worked on, pictures, a link to linkedin, and a detailed description of my elective courses.

the difference is, I used dropbox to host my files. Google drive sucks.

I kept checking it till my 6th month after graduation.

Visitors count: 0

News flash: Nobody cares… to HR recruiters, you’re barely a number.
They barely go through your entire CV, let alone visiting an external website.

If you really think you have something to show off, write a short report, and carry a copy with you whenever you go for a job interview.

You can show it to those who matter then
(in other words, the people who may end up becoming your bosses)
and it will be appreciated.

also, I wouldn’t post my ID nor my academic transcript anywhere if I were you.