"Lead Your Career" (a lecture next Monday)-AJ

Good morning,
As a part of my personal social responsibility towards KFUPMstudents, I’ll be participating in the coming “Open Day” by delivering a lecturetitled “Lead your career”.
The lecture will be in English, and I’lldeliver it at the Old Administration Building (OAB), on Monday 11/11/2013 at 7:00 p.m.
It’ll take less than anhour.
The main outlines that will be covered in thelecture are:
What is the difference between a job and a career?

9golden tips for a great career

Where do you want to be?

How to lead your career?

A short biography about me is shownbelow:
Abdallah Aljurf is the 1’st Saudi CPLP (Certified Professional inLearning and Performance) from American Society of Training and Development (ASTD).

He graduated from Systems Engineering Department in KFUPM in 2004. His major was Industrial Engineering and OperationsResearch.

He worked in several managerial positions in different companiessuch as Savola Group, Cristal Global, and Dale CarnegieTraining.

Now he is working with National Water Company as an OrganizationalDevelopment Senior Specialist.

Abdallah is a certified coach from the International CoachingFederation (ICF).
He is interested in Leadership development, competenciesdevelopment, and training delivery.
Could you please spread the word among yourFacebook friends and other friends and encourage them toattend?
Thank you, and I hope to see you all in this lecture.

Thanks … very usefull

متى اليوم المفتوح ؟

حتى حين ! :laughing:

اليوم المفتوح للتوظيف 1435 هـ

8 - 11 محرم 1435 هـ الموافق 11 - 14 نوفمبر 2013 م

سيخصص يومي الاثنين والثلاثاء لطلاب الجامعة و خريجيها فقط


بالتوفيق يابوفيصل :rose:

شكرا قد السماء :heart: :laughing: