شباب لا هنتو وش المتريل الي قال عليها الدكتور
و متى ويين موقع الاختبار
أسف على التأخير بس ترا الدكتور امس مرسل بالايميل هالرسالة :
Regarding Major Exam 1:
1- Monday, Oct. 28, 6:00 pm, in Bldg 24, room 174.
2- The exam is closed book but you can bring only ONE formula sheet, A4 size, and write whatever you want by HAND on both sides.
3- The exam will cover Ch8, Ch9 and part of Ch 10 (up to the END of 10-5 (end of “The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle”, 7 the edition)
4- The exam will have 3 Qs.
5- For calculation you can use only NON-programmable calculator.
6- I will be available on Monday most of the time in my office. If you have any question regarding the exam, you may visit me (Please call first by phone: 7322) .