Mechanical Engineering Quick Reveiw -مراجعة لبعض اساسيات الهندسة الميكانيكية

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذه مراجعة بسيطة لبعض اساسيات الهندسة الميكانيكية المتداولة في المقابلات الشخصية بالنسبة للأسئلة التيكنيكل .

طبعا معظم هذه المواضيع تكررت معي في المقابلات اللي سويتها واللي سووها الشباب .

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:


First Law of Thermodynamics : Total Energy of Isolated system is constant despite internal changes

Second Law of Thermodynamics : Mechanical work can be derived from a body only when the body interacts with another at lower temp.

Carnot Cycle

Rankin Cycle


Types of Heat Exchanger

  1. Conduction : Q=-KA(du/dx)
    2.Convection : Q=hA(Us-Uf)

Kinds of Heat Exchangers

  1. Shell and Tubes
    2.Double Pipe
  2. Plate

Heat Exchanger components

* Tubes

Type of pumps
… etc

Pump main components



Barnouli Equation

P = 0.5 p V^2 + pgh = constant


Stress : Force on a material
( shear stress : Horizantel , Nominal Stress : Vertical )

Strain : What happen to material after given stress ( Deformation )

Stress Strain Diagram

Yield Strenth : Stress at which a material begins to deforme

Projection Angles ( Drawing )

Hooke’s Law : F=Kx ( force needed to extend or compress a spring by distance is proportional to that distance )

Shear Force : force Pushing one part of a body in one direction and the other part in the other direction

Elastic Strain : The deformed body returns to its original shape and size
Plastic Strain :The deformed body does NOT return to its original shape and size

Type of Gears :

  1. Spure

Type of Bearing :

  1. Ball Bearing
    2.Roller Bearing
  2. Traperd Bearing ( roller or Ball )
  3. Thrus Bearing ( roller or Ball )

E- Newton LAWS

Newton Laws

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

هذه تقريبا معظم المواضيع اللي تكررت عليها الاسئلة . وهيا تعتبر من اساسيات الميكانيكا , وطبعا في مواضيع قد تسأل عنها لكن ما ذكرتها . ويعتبر مراجعة سريعة قبل المقابلة .

لو كان في خطأ في المعلومات , أرجو تصحيحها , وارجو إضافة معلومات أخرى , حتى تعم الفائدة .

ولا تنسونا من الدعاء

اسأل الله لي ولكم التوفيق


الله يجزاك خير ، :rose:

ما قصرت

أرجو من المشرفين عدم نقل الموضوع الى ساحة اخرى , لان الفائدة الاعظم بتكون هنا . خصوصا وان يوم المهنة قريب

كلام جميل وأتمنى نفس الموضوع هذا ولكن لتخصص الهندسة الكهربائية… وشكراا

الفكرة حلوة

لكن ليش ماتشكلون قروب وتسوون مقابلات لبعض وتسالون بعض وتستفيدون.

ممكن نادي كل تخصص يسويها. مع الوقت كل نادي راح يصير عنده خبرة في الاسئلة ويفيد الدفعات الجاية.

وممكن تستضيفون الخريجين الموظفين لانهم اعرف بالشغل.

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آللهِ يرضى عليكـَ

ربي يوفقك ما قصرت والله وبصراحة هذي الاساسيات اللي لازم يراجعها اي شخص ناوي يدخل اي مقابلة عشان يكون واثق من اجاباته ولا يمنع من التوسع في مجال هذه المواضيع واي مهندس ميكانيكي لازم يعرف قانون برنولي لان دائما يسالون عنه في المقابلات

يعطيك الف عافية

موضوع ممتااااز جدا

وبالنسبة للـ heat exchangers انا اشوف انه مسمى heat transfer اعم واشمل

لان الاولى تندرج تحت الاخيرة في

تقبل اضافتي

أتمنى من الاعضاء التفاعل في هذا الموضوع …
وذكر بعض الاسأله من واقع تجربه في المقابلات

راح اضيف بعض الاشياء

عملت انتر فيو في احدى الشركات

وسألوني عن انواع pumps and compressor

وعن حالات الثرمو داينمك…

ايضا في كويجن الي هو Bernoulli equation

أنسألت مره فيه

Which has more Efficiency Diesel Engine or Petrol Engine?

Ans. Diesel engine has the better efficiency out of two.

الفرق بين الديزل والبترول بالنسبه لـengine مره اختبرت تحريري عن هالسؤال

هذي بعض الاسألة من قوقل

اغلبها مهمة

  1. Explain the second law of thermodynamics.

The entropy of the universe increases over time and moves towards a maximum value.

  1. What kinds of pipes are used for steam lines?

Normally galvanized pipes are not used for steam. Mild steel with screwed or welded fittings are the norm. Pressure and temperature are very important factors to be considered in what type of materials to be used. Steam even at low pressures can be extremely dangerous.

  1. What is the difference between shear center flexural center of twist and elastic center?

The shear center is the centroid of a cross-section. The flexural center is the center of twist, which is the point on a beam that you can add a load without torsion. The elastic center is located at the center of gravity. If the object is homogeneous and symmetrical in both directions of the cross-section then they are all equivalent.

  1. What is ferrite?

Magnetic iron rock

  1. What is the difference between projectile motion and a rocket motion?

A projectile has no motor/rocket on it, so all of its momentum is given to it as it is launched. An example of a projectile would be pen that you throw across a room.
A rocket or missile does have a motor/rocket on it so it can accelerate itself while moving and so resist other forces such as gravity.

  1. What is a cotter joint?

These types of joints are used to connect two rods, which are under compressive or tensile stress. The ends of the rods are in the manner of a socket and shaft that fit together and the cotter is driven into a slot that is common to both pieces drawing them tightly together. The tensile strength of the steel is proportionate to the strength needed to offset the stress on the material divided by the number of joints employed.

  1. What is the alloy of tin and lead?

A tin and lead alloy is commonly called solder. Usually solder is a wire with a rosin core used for soldering. The rosin core acts as a flux.

  1. What does F.O.F. stand for in piping design?

FOF stands for Face of Flange. A flange has either of the two types of faces:
a) Raised face
b) Flat face
The F.O.F is used to know the accurate dimension of the flange in order to avoid the minute errors in measurement in case of vertical or horizontal pipelines.

  1. Explain Otto cycle.

Otto cycle can be explained by a pressure volume relationship diagram. It shows the functioning cycle of a four stroke engine. The cycle starts with an intake stroke, closing the intake and moving to the compression stroke, starting of combustion, power stroke, heat exchange stroke where heat is rejected and the exhaust stroke. It was designed by Nicolas Otto, a German engineer.

  1. What is gear ratio?

It is the ratio of the number of revolutions of the pinion gear to one revolution of the idler gear.

  1. What is annealing?

It is a process of heating a material above the re-crystallization temperature and cooling after a specific time interval. This increases the hardness and strength if the material.

  1. What is ductile-brittle transition temperature?

It is the temperature below which the tendency of a material to fracture increases rather than forming. Below this temperature the material loses its ductility. It is also called Nil Ductility Temperature.

  1. What is a uniformly distributed load?

A UDL or uniformly distributed load is a load, which is spread over a beam in such a way that each unit length is loaded to the same extent.

  1. What are the differences between pneumatics and hydraulics?

a) Working fluid: Pneumatics use air, Hydraulics use Oil
b) Power: Pneumatic power less than hydraulic power
c) Size: P components are smaller than H components
d) Leakage: Leaks in hydraulics cause fluid to be sticking around the components. In pneumatics, air is leaked into the atmosphere.
e) Pneumatics obtain power from an air compressor while hydraulics require a pump
f) Air is compressible, hydraulic oil is not

  1. What is enthalpy?

Enthalpy is the heat content of a chemical system.

  1. What is a positive displacement pump?

A positive displacement pump causes a liquid or gas to move by trapping a fixed amount of fluid or gas and then forcing (displacing) that trapped volume into the discharge pipe. Positive displacement pumps can be further classified as either rotary-type (for example the rotary vane) or lobe pumps similar to oil pumps used in car engines. These pumps give a non-pulsating output or displacement unlike the reciprocating pumps. Hence, they are called positive displacement pumps.

  1. Why would you use hydraulics rather than pneumatics?

Hydraulics is suitable for higher forces & precise motion than pneumatics. This is because hydraulic systems generally run at significantly higher pressures than pneumatics systems. Movements are more precise (repeatable) because hydraulics uses an incompressible liquid to transfer power whilst pneumatics uses gases.
Pneumatic systems have some advantages too. They are usually significantly cheaper than hydraulic systems, can move faster (gas much less viscous than oil) and do not leak oil if they develop a leak.

  1. What is isometric drawing?

It is a 3-D drawing used by draftsmen, architects etc

  1. What are the advantages of gear drive?

In general, gear drive is useful for power transmission between two shafts, which are near to each other (at most at 1m distance). In addition, it has maximum efficiency while transmitting power. It is durable compare to other such as belts chain drives etc. You can change the power to speed ratio.
Advantages: -
It is used to get various speeds in different load conditions.
It increases fuel efficiency.
Increases engine efficiency.
Need less power input when operated manually.

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Which conducts heat faster steel copper or brass?

Copper conducts heat faster than steel or brass. Any material that is good for conducting heat is also good for electricity in most cases. Wood terrible for transferring heat thus is also insulator for electric.

  1. How pipe flanges are electrically insulated?

Pipe flanges are protected from corrosion by means of electrolysis, with dielectric flanges. The piping system is electrically insulated by what is called a sacrificial anode. A bag of readily corrodible metal is buried in the ground with a wire running from the pipe to the bag so that the sacrificial anode will corrode first. If any electrical current charges the pipe, it also serves as a ground.

  1. What is a Process Flow Diagram?

A Process Flow Diagram (or System Flow Diagram) shows the relationships between the major components in the system. It also has basic information concerning the material balance for the process.

  1. Where pneumatic system is used?

Any system needs redundancy in work needs pneumatics, because the compressor of the pneumatic system has periodical operations (intermittent work, not as hydraulic pump). The compressed air could be accumulated in tanks with high pressures and used even if the compressor failed.

  1. Why gas containers are mostly cylindrical in shape?

The most efficient shape for withstanding high pressure is a sphere but that would be costly to manufacture. A cylinder with a domed top and a domed bottom (look underneath, the flat base is actually welded around the outside, the bottom of the gas container is actually domed) is a much cheaper shape to manufacture whilst still having good strength to resist the internal gas pressure.

  1. How is martensite structure formed in steel?

Martensite transformation begins when austenite is cooled below a certain critical temperature, called the matrensite start temperature. As we go below the martensite start temperature, more and more martensite forms and complete transformation occurs only at a temperature called martensire finish temperature. Formation of martensite requires that the austenite phase must be cooled rapidly.

  1. What is an ortographic drawing?

Orthographic projections are views of a 3D object, showing 3 faces of it. The 3 drawings are aligned so that if the page were folded, it would create part of the shape. It is also called multiview projections.
The 3 faces of an object consist of its plan view, front view and side view. There are 2 types of orthographic projection, which are 1st angle projection and 3rd angle projection.

  1. What is representative elementary volume?

Smallest volume over which measurements can be made that will yield a representative of the whole.

  1. Why are LNG pipes curved?

LNG pipes are curved because LNG is condensed gas (-164 deg cel) so it can expand the pipes that is what engineers designed the LNG pipes are curve type.

  1. What does angular momentum mean?

Angular momentum is an expression of an objects mass and rotational speed.
Momentum is the velocity of an object times it is mass, or how fast something is moving how much it weigh. Therefore, angular momentum is the objects mass times the angular velocity where angular velocity is how fast something is rotating expressed in terms like revolutions per minute or radians per second or degrees per second.

  1. Can you use motor oil in a hydraulic system?

Hydraulic fluid has to pass a different set of standards than motor oil. Motor oil has tackifiers, lower sulfur content, and other ingredients that could prove harmful to the seals and other components in a hydraulic system. If it is an emergency only should you do it.

  1. What causes white smoke in two stroke locomotive engines?

That is the engine running too lean (lack of fuel). This condition will lead to overheating and failure of the engine.

  1. What is the role of nitrogen in welding?

Nitrogen is used to prevent porosity in the welding member by preventing oxygen and air from entering the molten metal during the welding process. Other gases are also used for this purpose such as Argon, Helium, Carbon Dioxide, and the gases given off when the flux burns away during SMAW (stick) welding.

  1. What does Green field project mean?
    Green field projects are those projects, which do not create any environmental nuisance (pollution), follows environmental management system and EIA (environment impact assessment). These projects are usually of big magnitude.

  2. Is it the stress that, produces strain or strain produces stress?

A Force applied to an object will cause a displacement. Strain is effectively a measure of this displacement (change in length divided by original length).
Stress is the Force applied divided by the area it is applied. (E.g. pounds per square inch)
Therefore, to answer the question, the applied force produces both “Stress and Strain”. “Stress and Strain” are linked together by various material properties such as Poisson’s ratio and Young’s Modulus.

  1. How does iron ore turn into steel?

To make Steel, Iron Ore is refined into iron and all the carbon is burned away using very high heat (Bessemer). A percentage of Carbon (and other trace elements) are added back to make steel. 36. What is knurling?
Knurling is a machining process normally carried our on a centre lathe. The act of Knurling creates a raised criss-cross pattern on a smooth round bar that could be used as a handle or something that requires extra grip.

  1. What is the mechanical advantage of a double pulley?

It only takes half the effort to move an object but twice the distance.

  1. What is extrued aluminum?

Extrusion is the process where a metal or a metal bar is pulled through a mandrel to elongate it and/or give it a final shape.
Extruded Aluminum is a common form of making small aluminum wire, bars or beams and many varieties of small non-structural, decorative pieces.

  1. What is a Newtonian fluid?

A Newtonian fluid possesses a linear stress strain relationship curve and it passes through the origin. The fluid properties of a Newtonian fluid do not change when any force acts upon it.

  1. What are the points in the stress strain curve for steel?

Proportional limit, elastic limit or yield point, ultimate stress and stress at failure.

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) ماهو الفرق بين Engine و Machine?
2) ماهو الفرق بين Pupm و Compressor?

what`s NPSH?
what`s cavitation?
modes of heat transfer?
what are the reasons of engine overheating?
difference between 2 and 4 stroke engines?
types of mechanical seals ?
what are the boilers types ?
draw rankine cycle

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**ما هي نقطة الندى وكيف تحدث؟
اقل درجة حرارة يبدأ عندها بخار الماء الموجود فى الهواء التكثف

**ما هي اجزاء منظمة التبريد الفريون؟
-expansion valve-

**عدد 4 انواع من المضخات؟
Centrifugal pump
Rotary Vane

**ما اسم الجهاز الذي يتم فيه قياس الاهتزازات الي تحدث في المنظومات الميكانيكية؟

**اذا كانت الاهتزاز كبير في منظومة معينة فايهما افضل ان تستخرج ازاحة الاهتزاز,سرعته, او تعجيله؟
. فى السرعات العالية تقاس العجلة
و السرعات القليلة تقاس الازاحة
و المتوسطة تقاس السرعة

**ماذا في الشاحنات trucks يفضل استخدام محرك ديزل؟
المحرك الديزل يعطى عزم كبير و سرعة قليلة و هو ما تحتاجة الشاحنات
و السيارات الصغيرة تعمل على محرك البنزين الذى يعطى سرعة عالية و عزم صغير)

**اذا كان عندك جسمين احدما درجة حرارته اعلى من الاخر، فما اتجاه أنتقال الحرارة ؟
الحرارة عامة تنتقل من الجسم ذو الحرارة المرتفعة الى الجسم ذو الحرارة المنخفضة

** عدد 3 اجهزة لقياس درجة الحرارة؟ اشرح واحداً
Thermocouple يتكون من 2wires مربوطين من ناحية ب junctions
و يتم تعريض الناحية الاخرى للجسم المراد قياس حرارتة
اشهر انواع الthermocouple هو ال
copper constantan

**عدد 3 اجهزة لقياس الضغط؟ اشرح واحداً
bourdon tube-
Bourdon tube جهاز لقياس الضغط و عبارة عن انبوب يتمدد بطول يتناسب مع فرق الضغط

**ما هو Borden tube؟
جهاز لقياس الضغط و عبارة عن انبوب يتمدد بطول يتناسب مع فرق الضغط

**ما هي مصادر الاخطاء التي يمكن ان تواجهك لقياس شي ما بجهاز القياس اثناء العمل؟
خطأ فى ظروف تشغيل الجهاز
-خطأ فى تتابع التشغيل-
خطأ فى القراءة

**كيف حدث الفشل لجسر تاكوما الشهير؟ علل ذلك معتمدا على مبادى الاهتزاز الميكانيكي؟
حذث الفشل نتيجة لتساوى التردد الطبيعى لمادة البناء للجسر مع تردد الهواء او الرياح
و من المعروف ان التردد الطبيعى اذا تساوى مع تردد جسم يحذث فشل

**لماذا يستخدم leaf springsفي pickup والشاحنات في العجلات الخلفية بدلا من helical springs ؟
Leaf spring يتحمل قوة و اجهاد اعلى بكثير من الhelical
يستخدم الhelicalبالسيارات الصغيرة

**ما هو الفرق بين مادة elasticity and mechanics of materials؟
Elasticityدراسة المرونة للمادة
mechanics of materials دراسة الstress-strain-

**ما هو الفرق بين التشوه المرن والتشوه اللدن؟
المرن=كسر المادة و اللدن يعنى تمدد المادة و استطالتها حسب القوة المؤثرة عليها

**ما هو الفرق بين الفحوص التدميري والغير تدميري؟
التدميرى يتم كسر جزء من المادة لمعرفة مدى صلادتها و مقاومتها

**لماذا الطبقة الداخلية لكرسي التحميل المحيطة ب crankshaft من نوع sleeve تصنع من مادة هشة؟
حتى يحدث تاكل للsleeve او للجلبة بدلا من تاكل ل الshaft
ثمن الجلبة ارخص كتير جدااااااااا من ثكن الshaft

**لماذا يصٌنع المحور shaft من مادة rigid؟
ليتمكن من تحمل الاجهادات الحادثة عليةtorsional-bending

** ما علاقة الفهرنايت مع الدرجة السيليزية؟

** ما هو الفرق في قولنا national standard and international standard؟
National معايير خاصة بالدولة نفسها ولا يطبق عالميا
Internationalمعايير دولية يجب التقيد بها عند العمل

**كيف تتم عملية calibration المعايرة كل يوم في المصانع الميكانيكية؟
مقارنة القراءة الخارجة من جهاز القياس بالقيمة الفعلية
مثلا لمعايرة ثرمومتر
يتم قياس درجة حرارة ثلج مجروش (لو اعطى صفر سليزروس يعنى ان الثرمومتر معاير)

**ماذ تعني لك accuracy and resolution في اجهزة القياس؟
Accuracy:مدى قرب القيمة المقاسة بالجهاز من القيمة الحقيقية
Resolution:هو الزيادة فى التدريج(مثلا فى المسطرة 1 مم)

** عدد 4 امثلة لانتاج الكهرباء بالطاقة البديلة المتجددة؟
Solar-wind-geothermal heat-water

** ما هو sensor اذكر اربع انواع مهمة واشرحها ؟
حساس يحس بتغيرات الخواص الفيزيائية لمادة معينة

**: لماذا ستخدم المناوميتر المائل في قياس الضغوط القليلة بدلا من مناوميتر بشكل حرف U؟
المانومتر المائل يزيد من الدقة و لذلك يستخدم لقياس الضغوط الصغيرة

** ما هو التصنيف العالمي لاسباب العيوب الميكانيكية؟
Vibration-high temperature-high pressure

** لماذا تفرغ المضخة الساحبة للمياه الجوفية من الهواء قبل العمل؟
لضمان عدم حوث ظاهرة التكهف اوcavitation لجدران المضخة بسبب الهواء و هذا سيتسبب فى حثوثpittings او نقر فى المضخة مما يؤدى لتلفها

**ما هو flywheel ولماذا يسٌتخدم في المنظومات الميكانيكية؟
عبارة عن قرص او wheel ثقيل جدا و يتم تركيبة فى الshaft و يقوم باختزان الحركة و ارجاعها لعمل دوران مستمر

**ما هي قوانين الثلاث thermodynamics؟
energy or matter can neither be created nor destroyed1
2it is impossible to obtain a process where the unique effect is the subtraction of a positive heat from a reservoir and the production of a positive work.

3all processes cease as temperature approaches absolute zero. This is the temperature at which molecules cease movement, cease producing kinetic energy. In other words, there is no energy.

**كيف يتم نقل الطاقة من جسم اقل درجة حرارة الى اعلى؟
يتم باستخدام
Heat pump-refrigerator

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مهندس امريكا اضافتك اكثر من رائعة اشكرك عليها

ننتظر تفاعل باقي الاعضاء

شباب لقيتلكم هالموقع أعتقد انه شيء خيالي جدا , معلومات مرتبة وسهلة الوصول للي تبي غير عن أن المعلومات شاملة ومحتصرة بنفس الوقت مع شرح واصح أنشحكم جدا جدا فيه , والله يوفقنا وياكم ودعواتكم عندي مقابلة صعبة شوي

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مراجعة لبعض اساسيات الهندسة الكهربائية!

^ يلا على يدك

انت ابدأ و نزل موضوع

والله ي غالي انا انسي ايش تعشيت امس :slight_smile:

معلومات جميلة ومفيدة - بالتوفيق

موضوع مميز, بس مع الاسف ما الاحظ مشاركات كثيره عليه, مع انه مهم جدااااااااا

Interpret a Stress vs. Strain Curve

The relationship between the stress and strain that a particular material displays is known as that material’s Stress-Strain curve.

- Stress means internal resistance offered due to external load
- Strain means change in dimension/original dimension