For detail explaination, let us start with the term “ENTROPY”
In classical thermodynamics, energy is constant and entropy never decreases. But entropy may stay constant.
Entropy is a really hard concept to understand. It is not a “thing” such as mass or lenght which can be measured more directly. The definition of entropy is:
dS = dQ / T
Where S is the entropy, Q is the energy (heat) and T is the teperatue.
The second law of thermodynamics state that entropy must either increase or stay constant on every fenomena. If it stays constant, it means that the process is reversible.
Entropy is a “thing” that you calculate, but can’t measure directly, to tell you if a process is reversible or not.
If you are converting a type of energy A to another type B and the entropy increases in the process, then you can’t convert it ALL back from B to A. If the entropy remains constant, then you can convert A to B and B to A with no loss of energy.
For example, a simple IDEAL pendulum. It converts gravitational energy into kinetic energy and vice versa, with no loss. Its entropy remais constant.
A engine of a car converts chemical energy from the gas to mechanical energy. But the entropy increases in the process, so you can’t convert all the mechanical energy back into the chemical energy stored in the gas. You lost some energy in the form of heat and sound and other kinds of energy.
Entropy is often called “the arrow of time”. It shows us in which direction the time is flowing. If we take a physical non-reversible process and reverse the time, entropy would decrease. And according to thermodynamics this is impossible. So we know in which direction the time is flowing.
Let’s take some examples on time reversal. If you watch a tape of a pendulum moving, you can’t tell if the tape is moving forward or backwards. The movement of the pendulum is the same if you hit “fast forward” or “rewind”. So, when you reverse the time, the process suffers no change. That means its entropy is constant and the process is reversible.
If you watch a film of a bomb exploding, or an egg falling to the ground, or a tea cup braking, you can easily tell if the tape is moving forward or backwards. That is possible because in this process the entropy is changing, and the reversal of time is not possible. You will never see a broken egg becoming whole again, as in the reversed tape.
Another great example my teacher gave me once is about life on earth. People think that life on earth is possible because the sun is giving energy to it. But the truth is that the sun is giving “negative entropy” to the earth.
If the sun was really giving energy to the earth, then the earth would heat up and up and up, with no limit. The same amount of energy the earth receivers from the sun it gives back to the rest of the universe. So the temperature of the earth remains approximately the same.
Well, the amount of energy the sun gives to earth is the same the earth gives back to the universe, lets call it Q. So the entropy the sun is giving to the earth is Q/Ts (Ts is temperature of the sun) and the entropy earth is giving to the universe is Q/Te (Te is temperatue of the earth). Since Ts > Te, then Q/Te > Q/Ts.
So, the earth is receiving Q/Ts from the sun and is giving away Q/Te to the rest of the universe. So the change of entropy on the earth is Q/Ts - Q/Te < 0. So entropy on earth is decreasing.
Since life forms are more organized than a soup of atoms and molecules, to have life a planet must organize itself, ie, must decrease its entropy. That what is happening to the earth due to the sun. The sun is decreasing the entropy on earth.
Now you might ask “but how can entropy decrese on earth if it must always increase or remain constant?” The answer is that the entropy of the whole system (sun + earth + universe) is increasing. The entropy of parts of a system may decrese, since the total entropy of the system either increases or remains constant.