السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
الإخوة الفضلاء Senior & Junior Standing من طلاب COE:
هل فكر أحدكم بهذه المادة:
COE 464: Testing of Digital Circuits
أترككم مع أستاذها الدكتور أيمن الملح:
The course is very interesting and I am sure that you will enjoy it. In fact any digital system designer is required to have the knowledge of digital system testing. It is currently an essential background as design and testing are integrated together from the initial step of the design process. In brief the course teaches you techniques that we can use to test if a circuit, chip, board or system are working properly or not. After you manufacture a chip, some of the chips can be defective. The course teaches you how to derive test vectors to detect the majority of the defects that can occur. Also, how to design your system to become easily testable. In addition how to design your system to test itself, called Built-In Self Test.
The background required is mainly COE 200 and a bit of COE 360 (which just the basic operation of CMOS circuits).
أترككم الآن مع رابط درجات الدكتور أيمن في مادة COE 405 و هي مادة إختيارية كما تعلمون.