CX: Polymer Science & Technology

Polymer Science & Technology Concentration Program

Overview / نظرة عامة

Polymers are used across a wide range of industries, including consumer products, textiles, electronics, energy, building and construction, health care, and aerospace. Polymers are also central to emerging industries including additive manufacturing, organic electronics, and renewable energy. The proposed multidisciplinary concentration of study covers science and engineering aspects of polymers. It will provide the students with the required knowledge to design synthetic polymers of desired properties to suit target applications. Also, students learn the important techniques for characterizing and processing polymers. Students are exposed to topics such as different methods of polymer synthesis, a wide spectrum of characterization techniques for studying the structures and physical properties of polymers, and processing of polymeric materials. This concentration of study is designed to promote a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary learning process which involves intersections of chemistry with chemical and mechanical engineering disciplines.

تُستخدم البوليمرات في مجموعة واسعة من الصناعات، بما في ذلك المنتجات الاستهلاكية، المنسوجات، الإلكترونيات، الطاقة، البناء والتشييد، الرعاية الصحية، وقطاع الطيران. كما تعد البوليمرات محورية في الصناعات الناشئة مثل التصنيع الإضافي، الإلكترونيات العضوية، والطاقة المتجددة. يركز التخصص المقترح على الجوانب العلمية والهندسية للبوليمرات، حيث يوفر للطلاب المعرفة اللازمة لتصميم بوليمرات صناعية بخصائص محددة تناسب التطبيقات المستهدفة. يتعلم الطلاب أيضًا التقنيات المهمة لتوصيف ومعالجة البوليمرات. تشمل الموضوعات طرق مختلفة لتخليق البوليمرات، مجموعة واسعة من تقنيات التوصيف لدراسة الهياكل والخصائص الفيزيائية للبوليمرات، ومعالجة المواد البوليمرية. صُمم هذا التخصص لتعزيز التعلم متعدد التخصصات من خلال الربط بين الكيمياء والهندسة الكيميائية والهندسة الميكانيكية.

Application for the Concentration Program

Eligibility Criteria


  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
  • Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
  • Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
  • Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.


  • Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February)
  • Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.

Hosting Department:

  • Chemistry

For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.

To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.

Offered To:

Major Pre/Co-requisites Notes
Chemistry (CHEM) CHEM 458
Chemical Engineering (CHE) ME 207 -
Mechanical Engineering (ME) ME 216

Courses in the Concentration

Course Course Title Brief Description Pre-requisites Instructors Average GPA Notes
CHEM 451 Polymer Chemistry Basics of polymer chemistry and polymerization techniques. Senior Standing Prof. Jafar M Mazumder, Dr. Othman Al-Hamouz, Prof. Shaikh Ali - -
ME 453 Polymer Sustainability Polymer sustainability, biodegradability, health impact, recycling, and circular economy. Senior Standing Dr.Muhammad Akhtar
CHEM 457 Polymer Characterization and Analysis Polymer analysis techniques for properties, molecular weight, and spectra, with data interpretation. CHEM 451 or CHE 463 Dr. Saheed Ganiyu, Prof. Jafar M Mazumder
ME 480 Plastics Materials and Processing Thermoplastics, thermosets, properties, applications, manufacturing, and mold design. ME 205 OR ME 216 OR ME 207 OR CHEM 451 OR CHE 463 Dr. Khaled Mezghani, Dr. Wael Fallath, Prof. Syed Fida
Semester Course 1 Course 2
First Semester (Fall) CHEM 451 ME 453
Second Semester (Spring) ME 480 CHEM 457

Special Benefits

  • Hands-on Experience:

  • Industry Relevance:

  • Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:

  • Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:

  • Softwares and Applications Utilized:

  • Other Benefits:



Photo Name Courses Office Number Email Telephone Office Hours Department Specialization Taqeem Post Coordinator
Prof. Jafar Mazumder CHEM 451 & CHEM 457 Building 4 Room 231 966-13-860 7836 - Chemistry Development of smart polymeric materials for the removal of heavy metals and organic contaminants from aqueous solutions Taqeem Post :heavy_check_mark: Program Coordinator
Dr. Othman Al-Hamouz CHEM 451 Building 4 Room 261-1 966-13-860 7345 - Chemistry Polymer Science Taqeem Post
Prof. Ali Shaikh Asrof CHEM 451 Building 4 Room 219 966-13-860 3830 - Chemistry Polymer Synthesis Taqeem Post
Dr. Wail Sulaiman Falath ME 480 Building 63 Room 106 966-13-860 - - Material Science & Engineering Fabrication, modification, and characterization of polymeric mixed Taqeem Post
Dr. Muhammad Akhtar ME 453 Building 15 Room 6414 966-13-860 3897 - IRC for Refining and Advanced Chemicals Catalysis, Polymerization, Recycling Of Polymers Taqeem Post
Dr. Saheed Ganiyu CHEM 457 Building 4 Room 136 966-13-860 3614 - Chemistry Materials & Nanoscience Taqeem Post
Dr. Khaled Mezghani ME 480 Building - Room - - 966-13-860 - - Mechanical Engineering Material Science Taqeem Post
Prof. Syed Fida Hassan ME 480 Building 63 Room 350 966-13-860 7787 - Mechanical Engineering Metal Matrix Composite and Nanocomposite Taqeem Post

Miscellaneous Information

  • Number of Students in a Single Batch:

  • Information about Previous Batches:

  • Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:

  • Interested Companies/ Organizations:

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