CX: Refining and Petrochemicals

Refining and Petrochemicals Concentration Program

Overview / نظرة عامة

The concentration covers major components of the downstream oil & gas industries and their further conversion to petrochemicals. Starting with crude oil treatments and moving through major oil & gas refining processes and their dependence on different feedstock’s. Petrochemical building blocks and their derivatives including, basic, intermediate and final products are introduced with emphasis on those produced in Saudi Arabia. Tools for analyzing and evaluating the economical and environmental impacts of the downstream industry is discussed as well as the challenges in the integration of refining and petrochemicals.

يركز هذا التخصص على المكونات الرئيسية لصناعات النفط والغاز في القطاع التحويلي وتحوّلاتها اللاحقة إلى البتروكيماويات. يبدأ بمعالجة النفط الخام ويمر عبر العمليات الرئيسية لتكرير النفط والغاز واعتمادها على أنواع مختلفة من المواد الخام. يتم تقديم اللبنات الأساسية للبتروكيماويات ومشتقاتها، بما في ذلك المنتجات الأساسية والمتوسطة والنهائية، مع التركيز على تلك المنتجة في المملكة العربية السعودية. يتم مناقشة الأدوات المستخدمة لتحليل وتقييم الآثار الاقتصادية والبيئية لصناعة القطاع التحويلي، بالإضافة إلى التحديات المتعلقة بدمج عمليات التكرير والبتروكيماويات.

Application for the Concentration Program

Eligibility Criteria


  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
  • Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
  • Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
  • Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.


  • Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February)
  • Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.

Hosting Department:

  • Chemical Engineering

For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.

To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.

Offered To:

Major Pre/Co-requisites Notes
Chemical Engineering (CHE) CHE 306 -

Courses in the Concentration

Course Course Title Brief Description Pre-requisites Instructors Average GPA Notes
CHE 461 Petroleum Refining Overview of crude oil refining, column design, auxiliary equipment, and advancements in heavy oil processing. CHE 306 Dr. Mazen Fathi, Dr. Abdulrahman Ajina, Dr. Syed Ali, Dr. Omar Abdelaziz - -
CHE 462 Petrochemical Industries Petrochemical processes, products, and competing technologies. CHE 306 Essa Naimi, Dr. Hasan Alasiri
CHE 464 Refining and Petrochemicals Technology and Economics Overview of refining, petrochemicals, key processes, economics, and industry integration. Senior Standing Alberto Ballesteros, Brain Blakey
CHEM 463 Industrial Catalysis Catalysis fundamentals, industrial processes, green chemistry, and Saudi applications. Senior Standing Dr. Jameel Al-Thagfi, Dr. Mohammed Fettouhi, Dr. Ziyauddin Qureshi
Semester Course 1 Course 2
First Semester (Fall) CHE 461 CHEM 463
Second Semester (Spring) CHE 462 CHE 464

Special Benefits

  • Hands-on Experience:

  • Industry Relevance:

  • Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:

  • Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:

  • Softwares and Applications Utilized:

  • Other Benefits:



Photo Name Courses Office Number Email Telephone Office Hours Department Specialization Taqeem Post Coordinator
Dr. Hassan Saeed Alasiri CHE 462 Building 16 Room 250 966-13-860 2703 - Chemical Engineering Surfactants EOR Taqeem Post :heavy_check_mark: Program Coordinator
Dr. Omar Abdelaziz CHE 461 Building 16 Room 273 966-13-860 8461 - Chemical Engineering Sustainable Process Engineering, Decarbonization of Energy Systems Taqeem Post
Dr. Jameel Al-Thagfi CHEM 463 Building 4 Room 261-6 966-13-860 6926 - Chemistry Applications of homogenous catalysis Taqeem Post
Dr. Mohammed Fettouhi CHEM 463 Building 4 Room - 966-13-860 - - Chemistry Catalysis and Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis Taqeem Post
Dr. Ziyauddin S. Qureshi CHEM 463 Building 15 Room - 966-13-860 2659 - IRC for Refining and Advanced Chemicals Applications of catalysis Taqeem Post
Dr. Mazin Fathi CHE 461 Building - Room - - 966-13-860 - - - - Taqeem Post
Dr. Abdulrahman Ajina CHE 461 Building - Room - - 966-13-860 - - - - Taqeem Post
Dr. Syed Ali CHE 461 Building 15 Room 6418 966-13-860 3083 - IRC for Refining and Advanced Chemicals Catalyst Development, Catalyst Performance Evaluation Taqeem Post
Dr. Essa Naimi CHE 462 Building - Room - - 966-13-860 - - - Catalyst Performance Evaluation Taqeem Post
Alberto Ballesteros Alberto Ballesteros CHE 464 Building - Room - - 966-13-860 - - - - Taqeem Post
Brain Blakey Brain Blakey CHE 464 Building - Room - 966-13-860 - - - - Taqeem Post

Miscellaneous Information

  • Number of Students in a Single Batch:

  • Information about Previous Batches:

  • Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:

  • Interested Companies/ Organizations:

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