Research Concentration Program
Overview / نظرة عامة
Concentrations have become a common concept at KFUPM, in which a student specializes in a certain multidisciplinary topic. By now, the University has over 40 concentrations in various interesting and exciting fields. In this particular concentration, the focus is on research. The student will take a total of four courses in the Junior and Senior years, for a total of 12 credit hours over the course of two or more semesters. These hours are counted towards the degree plan. Two of the courses will constitute the undergraduate thesis, whilst another course will be on innovation and entrepreneurship, and the fourth can be an elective undergraduate or graduate course in the area of focus of the student. In this concentration, the student is expected to devise a problem and spend the duration of the program in developing research in this area, and to bring it to a fruitful conclusion. Part of the assessment of the undergraduate thesis is that it is accepted for publication in an actual journal outside of KFUPM or in KFUPM’s Journal of Undergraduate Research .
أصبحت التخصصات الدقيقة خيارًا شائعًا في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن، حيث يتخصص الطالب في موضوع متعدد التخصصات معين. حاليًا، تضم الجامعة أكثر من 40 تخصصًا في مجالات متنوعة ومثيرة. يركز هذا التخصص تحديدًا على البحث العلمي. يلتزم الطالب بدراسة أربع مواد في السنتين الثالثة والرابعة بمجموع 12 ساعة معتمدة خلال فصلين دراسيين أو أكثر، وتُحسب هذه الساعات ضمن خطة التخرج.
تشمل هذه المواد: مادتين مخصصتين للأطروحة الجامعية، ومادة في الابتكار وريادة الأعمال، والمادة الرابعة يمكن أن تكون مادة اختيارية على مستوى البكالوريوس أو الدراسات العليا في مجال تركيز الطالب. في هذا التخصص، يُتوقع من الطالب صياغة مشكلة بحثية وقضاء مدة البرنامج في تطوير البحث في هذا المجال والتوصل إلى نتائج مثمرة. جزء من تقييم الأطروحة الجامعية يتطلب قبولها للنشر في مجلة علمية خارج الجامعة أو في مجلة أبحاث البكالوريوس بجامعة الملك فهد.
Application for the Concentration Program
Eligibility Criteria
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
- Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
- Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
- Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.
- Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February)
- Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.
Hosting Department:
- All Departments
For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.
To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.
Offered To:
Major | Pre/Co-requisites | Notes |
Junior and Senior Students | Junior Standing | - |
Courses in the Concentration
Course | Course Title | Brief Description | Pre-requisites | Instructors | Average GPA | Notes |
4xx | Elective Course 1 | Any undergraduate or graduate technical elective course | Junior Standing | |||
XXX-494 | Undergraduate Thesis I | This course is an independent research course for students undertaking the CX in undergraduate research. An undergraduate thesis is a substantive piece of research-oriented creative work demonstrating mastery over the discourse of one semester in professional field. A thesis requires students to formulate the main hypothesis and research questions, maintain research integrity and be aware of research misconducts, and acquire skills of identifying research gaps in literature. Students will develop their scientific writing skills to report their preliminary research findings in a research proposal. Such proposal must be planned and completed under the supervision of a faculty (advisor) and, at the advisor’s discretion and department approval, may be reviewed by an additional co-advisor. Student will have to present to a committee his/her research plan and hypothesis in the thesis proposal. | Junior Standing | |||
4xx | Elective Course 2 | Any undergraduate or graduate technical elective course | Junior Standing | |||
XXX-496 | Undergraduate Thesis II | This is an independent research course focused on making research contributions and presenting the results in a thesis for students undertaking the CX in undergraduate research. In this course, students will refine their thesis proposal in previous thesis course and work closely with the advisor to demonstrate their research findings over one semester in a professional field. This requires students to ensure the novelty and originality of the idea, conduct extensive research to validate the main hypothesis and research questions, and have the skills needed to write the thesis and prepare the research results for the proper venue for possible publication. Students will learn to develop their professional communication skills to defend their thesis in front of an independent scientific committee and possibly to deliver speech in a research symposia. | Junior Standing |
Semester | Course 1 | Course 2 |
First Semester (Fall) | 4xx | XXX-494 |
Second Semester (Spring) | 4xx | XXX-496 |
Special Benefits
Hands-on Experience:
Industry Relevance:
Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:
Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:
Softwares and Applications Utilized:
Other Benefits:
- For courses’ study materials click here
Photo | Name | Courses | Office Number | Telephone | Office Hours | Department | Specialization | Taqeem Post | Coordinator | |
Miscellaneous Information
Number of Students in a Single Batch:
Information about Previous Batches:
Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:
Interested Companies/ Organizations:
شاركنا تجربتك مع التخصص عبر الإجابة على الأسئلة التالية:
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أعضاء هيئة التدريس الذين درسوا هذه المقررات أو أشرفوا عليك:
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هل ترى أن ما تعلمته في هذا التخصص يتماشى مع أهدافك المهنية؟:
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من برأيك يستفيد من دراسة هذا التخصص؟:
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ما الأمور التي تمنيت أن يغطيها التخصص أو يتم تقديمها بطريقة مختلفة (مثل المنهج، المواضيع، الاختبارات، المشاريع)؟:
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إذا كنت قد تخرجت، هل حصلت على وظيفة بمجال يتعلق بالتخصص المذكور؟ (مع ذكر جهة التوظيف إذا أمكن).
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وبإمكانك ذكر نقاط إضافية :
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