Lead Your Career

Good morning,
As a part of my personal social responsibility towards KFUPMstudents, I’ll be participating in the coming “Open Day” by delivering a lecturetitled “Lead your career”.
The lecture will be in English, and I’lldeliver it at the Old Administration Building (OAB), on Monday 11/11/2013 at 7:00 p.m.
It’ll take less than an hour.
The main outlines that will be covered in thelecture are:
· What is the difference between a job and acareer?
· 9golden tips for a great career
· Where do you want to be?
· How to lead your career?

A short biography about me is shownbelow:
· Abdallah Aljurf is the 1’st Saudi CPLP (Certified Professional inLearning and Performance) from American Society of Training and Development (ASTD).
· He graduated from Systems Engineering Department in KFUPM in 2004. His major was Industrial Engineering and OperationsResearch.
· He worked in several managerial positions in different companiessuch as Savola Group, Cristal Global, and Dale CarnegieTraining.
· Now he is working with National Water Company as an OrganizationalDevelopment Senior Specialist.
· Abdallah is a certified coach from the International CoachingFederation (ICF).
· He is interested in Leadership development, competenciesdevelopment, and training delivery.

Could you please spread the word among yourFacebook friends and other friends and
encourage them to attend?
Thank you, and I hope to see you all in this lecture.