عندي كم سؤال بالقرمر

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

عندي كذا سؤال :crazy_face: دوخوني :grin:

اعرف الاجابة لكن على اي اساس اختار الاجابة ماعرفت :astonished: :sob:

فاتمنى المساعدة

:smiley: سؤال الاول

- No sooner ____ than I realised what was going on.
a)!did I arrive
b)had I arrived
c)Either could be used here.

:smiley: السؤال ii

- She told me she ____ it ages ago.
had done
Either could be used here.


وشكرا للمساعدة ياللا :clap:شباب :clap:

no sooner than means two things

in the one contruction it means not beforeor
is used to talk about something that happens immediately after something else

I am going finish this no sooner than wednesday
( not before wednesday )

No sooner had I stepped out, than it started raining
(it started raining just after he stepped out)


بالنسبه للسؤال الاول الجواب c
كل الطريقتين صح

القاعده تصف شيئيين حدثوا ورا بعض مباشره

  1. No sooner had somebody done something than he did something.
  2. No sooner did somebody do something than he did something.

Both styles are quite commonly used, but #1 would be better…

بالنسبه للسؤال الثاني c!!
حسب المعنى

**أتمنى التصحيح لو غلطان **