Khaled S. Al-Sultan, Ph.D., P.E
Khaled S. Al-Sultan, Ph.D., P.E.
Deputy Minister for Educational Affairs
Ministry of Higher Education
Adjunct Professor, College of Engineering
King Saud University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Name :
Khaled S. Al-Sultan
Date of Birth :
1 January 1963
Place of Birth :
Al-Gassim, Saudi Arabia
Address :
Ministry of Higher Education,
Riyadh 11153, Saudi Arabia
E-Mail :
Phone :
Office (+01) 441-8892
Home (+01) 468-3023
Fax (+01) 441-8891
Personal Data :
Married, Two children
* Education
Ph.D. in Industrial and Operations Engineering (Operation Research), The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A., 1990. GPA: 8.6 (A=8.00. A+=9.00)
M.S. in Mathematics (Applied Mathematics), The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A., 1990. GPA: 8.65 (A=8.00. A+=9.00)
M.S. in Systems Engineering, King Fahd University of Petrolium and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, January 1987. GPA: (4.00/4.00)
B.S. (with Highest Honor) in System Engineering, KFUPM, January 1985, GPA: (3.91/4.00)
* Professional Registration
Licensed professional engineer (to practice all engineering disciplines) in the State of Michigan, U.S.A. (since Februaru 1991).
* Employment History
September 1998-Present: Deputy Minister for Educational Affairs, Ministry of Higher Education
A. Academic Positions
September 1999-Present: Adjunct Professor, College of Engineering, King Saud University
June 1998-August 1999: Professor of System Engineering, KFUPM.
May 1994-May 1998: Associate Professor of Systems Engineering, KFUPM.
May 1990-April 1994: Assistant Professor of Systems Engineering, KFUPM.
January 1987-April 1990: Lecture of Systems Engineering, KFUPM.
January 1985-January 1987: Graduate Assistant, Systems Engineering Department, KFUPM.
August 1990-June 1991: Visiting Research Scientist, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A.
August 1989-December 1989: Temporary Research Associate, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A.
B. Administrative Duties
September 1996-August 1998: Dean, College of Computer Siences & Engineering, KFUPM.
July 1993-August 1996: Chairman, Systems Engineering Department, KFUPM.
June 1998-August 1998: Director, Summer Program, KFUPM.
July 1995-September 1995: Coordinator, College of Computer Siences & Engineering, KFUPM.
C. Part Time Consulting Duties
October 1997-Present: Part-time Consultant to H.E. the Minister of Communications.
October 1995-Present: Part-Time consultant, Research and Development Complex, Saudi Basic Industries Company (SABIC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
* Honors, Awards
Graduated with HIGHEST HONORS with GPA of 3.91/4.00 in the B.S. degree and ranked FIRST in graduating class of 405 students.
Graduated with GPA of 4.00/4.00 in the M.S. degree and ranked FIRST in a graduating class of 57 students.
Finished Ph.D. within a record time; and ranked FIRST in the graduating class of the year of graduation, and Ph.D. dissertation was nominated for the best dissertation award at the University of Michigan, 1991.
Received Award of Distinction in the Saudi Arabian 10th Annual
National Computer Conference, held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, February, 1988.
Received Award of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.S. for best Ph.D's \(1990\).
Nominated by the Industrial and operations Engineering Department, University of Michigan for the Gilbert Memorial Fellowship for the 1990\-91 year.
Received a fellowship award from the Industrial and Operations Engineering Department, University of Michigan for winter term 1990.
Nominated for the "Distinguished Teacher Award" for the College of Computer Siences and Engineering, 1993\-1994.
Received the "Distinguished Researcher Award" in King Fahd University of Petrolium and Minerals, 1996\-97.
Promoted to Associate and full Professor ranks with distinguished ratings and in record time.
* Professional Activities
- Conference Organization
Member: International Advisory Committee.
The 15th mathematical Programming Symposium (August 15-19, 1994, U.S.A.)
Deputy Chairman: Subcommitte on Public Relations and Social Events
12th International Conference on Microelectronics (December 14-16, 1993, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
Workshop on “Computers in Industry: Future Trends”, April 9, 1995, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Chairman: Organizing Committe
KFUPM Minisimposium on Optimization and its Applications (May 30, 1995, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
5. Member: Technical Committee
The First International Conference on Operation and Quantitative Management (January 1997, Jaipur, India)
Member: International Advisory Committee.
The 16th Mathematical Programming Symposium (August 24-29, 1997, Laussanne, Switzerland)
Member: Organizing Committe
The 15th National Computer Conference (November 17, 1997, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia)
- Editorial Contributions
Member of the Editorial Board of Computers and Industrial Engineering, Program Press
Member of the Editorial Board of Production Planning and Control, Taylor and Francis.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, MCB Press, U.K.
Member of the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, U.S.A.
Associate Editor for Journal of Qualityin Maintenance Engineering \(JQME\), special issue on "Maintenance Practice in Saudi Arabia"
I have refreed articles for the following journals
Mathematical Programming
INFORMS Journal on Computing
3. Linear Algebra and it's Applications
4. Zeitscrift Fur Operations Research
5. International Journal of Production Research
6. Pattern Recognition Letters
7. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
8. Computers and Operations Research
9. Punjab Journal of mathematics
10. Computers and Industrial Engineering
11. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management
12. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
13. King Abdulaziz University Journal \(Engineering Section\)
14. European Journal of Operational Research
I have served as a reviewer for:
1. Math Reviews
and as a refree for
2. KFUPM Research Committee
3. The Saudi Computer Society
- Membership of Professional Societies
Members of the following Professional Societies:
Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences \(Full Member\)
Mathematical Programming Society
Institute of Industrial Engineers \(Senior Member and President of the Gulf Chapter\)
Research interests are in the areas of Operations research and Industrial Engineering in general, Optimization and its applications in the areas of Cluster Analysis, Production Systems, Quality Control, maintenance management in particular.
* Papers Puplished/Accepted in Refereed Journals
S.Z. Selim, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Clustering Problem”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 24, No. 10, 1991, pp. 1003-1008
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “Exterior Point Algorithms for Nearest Points and Convex Quadratic Programs”, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 57, 1992, pp. 145-161.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.Z. Selim, “A Global Algorithm for the Fuzzy Clustering Problem”, Pattern Recognition, Vol.26, No. 9, 1993, pp.1357-1361.
K.S. Al-Sultan,“An Algorithm for Determination of the Optimum Target Values for Two Machines In Series with Quality SamplingPlans”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.32, No. 1, 1994, pp. 37-45.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Newton Based Radius Reduction Algorithm for Nearest Point Problems in Pos Cones”, ORSA Journal on Computing. Vol. 6, No. 3, 1994, pp. 292-299.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “On the Finite e-Convergence of Exterior Penalty Methods”. The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 4A, pp. 623-626.
M.D.S. Aliyu, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “LP-Based Algorithms for Detecting the Collision of Moving Objects”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 46, 1995, pp. 854-866.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Maroof Khan, “Computational Experience on Four Algorithms for the Hard Clustering Problem”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 17, 1996, pp. 295-308.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Approach to the Clustering Problem”, Pattern Recognition, Vol.28, No.9 , 1995 pp. 1443-1451.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, “Maintenance Control Via Mathematical Programming”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 1, No.3, 1995, pp.33-46.
K.S. Al-Sultan, M.F. Hussain, and J.S. Nizami, “A Genetic Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem” Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.47, 1996, pp.702-709.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.D.S. Aliyu, “A New Potential Field-Based Algorithm for Path Planning”, Journal fr Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol.17, 1996, pp. 265-282.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “Maintenance in Saudi Arabia: Needs and Recomendations for Improvement” Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1996, pp. 5-16.
M.F.S. Pulak, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “The Optimum Targeting for a single Filling Operation with Rectifying Inspection”, Omega-International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1997, pp. 231-236.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Hard Clustering Approach to the Part family Formation Problem”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1997, pp. 231-236.
S.O. Duffuaa, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Mathematical Programming Approaches for the Management of Maintenance Planning and Scheduling”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol.3, No. 3, 1997, pp. 163-176.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.F.S. Pulak, “Process Improvement by Variance Reduction For a Single Filling Operation with Rectifying Inspection”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1997, pp. 431-436.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Al-Fawzan, " Variance Reduction in a Process with Random Linear Drift", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 35, No.6, 1997, pp. 1523-1533.
M.F.S. Pulak, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Computer Package for Process Mean targeting”, Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 29, No.4, 1997, pp. 477-484.
M. Ben Daya, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A New Penalty Function Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Programming”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 101, 1997, pp. 155-163.
M.F. Anjum, I. Tasadduq, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Response Surface Methodology: A Neural Network Approach”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 101, 1997, pp.65-73.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and Y.A. Bozer, “Network Configuration and Machine Layout in Fixed-Path Material Handling Systems”, Accepted for publication in Annuals of Operations Research.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Economic Production Quality for a Manufacturing System with a Controllable Production Rate”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 8, No. 7, 1997, pp. 678-685.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Al-Fawzan, “A tabu Search Hooke and Jeeves Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 103, 1997, pp. 198-208.
M.F. Hussain, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Nonconvex Function Minimization”, Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 11, 1997, pp. 313-324.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and C.A. Fedjki, “A Genetic Algorithm for the Part Family Formation Problem”, Production planning and Control, Vol. 8, No. 8, 1997,pp. 788-796.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Al-Fawzan, “A tabu Search Approach to the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem”, Accepted for publication in Annals of Operations Research.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and C.A. Fedjki, “A Tabu Search-based Algorithm for the Fuzzy Clustering Problem”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 30, No. 12, 1997, pp. 2023-2030.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Al-Fawzan, “Determination of the Optimal Process Means and Production Cycles for multistage Production Systems Subject to Process Deterioration”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1998, pp. 66-73.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and A. Raouf, “Optimal Production Run for Processes with Constant and Random Drift”, Accepted for Publication in International Journal of Production Economics.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Al-Fawzan, “An Extension of Rahim and banerjee’s Model for a Process with Upper and Lower Specification Limits”, International Journal of production Economics, Vol. 53, 1997, pp. 265-280.
M.D.S. Aliyu, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Fast Collision detection in four dimensional space”, accepted for publication in European Journal of Operational Research.
Duffuaa, S.O., and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Stochastic Programming Model for Scheduling Maintenance Personnel”, accepted for publication in Applied mathematical Modelling.
K.S. Al-Sultan, M.F.S. Pulak, “Optimum Target Values for Two Machine in Series with 100% Inspection”, accepted for publication in European Journal of Operational Research.
* Papers Submitted to Refereed Journals
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Based Algorithm for Minimizing the Number of Tool Switches on a Flexible Machine”, A revised version submitted to European Journal of Operational Research.
M. Farooq Anjum, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A New Neural Network Based Algorithm for Regression Analysis”, Submitted to the Computers and Industrial Engineering.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Multible Choice Knapsack Problem”, submitted to Computers and Industrial Engineering.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Rahim, “A Simplified Economic Model for Determining the Optimum Target Value for a process”, submitted to Quality Engineering.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “Determination of the Optimal Target Value for Process Capability Ratio”, submitted to International Journal of Production Research.
* Books
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Rahim (eds.), Optimization in Quality Control, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, U.S.A., 1997.
* Books Chapters
K.S. Al-Sultan, and A. Raouf, “Inventory Models In Certain Cases of Varying Demand with Shortages”, in A. Kusiak (editor), Modern Production Management Systems, Elseveir Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1987, pp. 295-303.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “Nearest Points in Nonsimplical Cones and LCP’s with PSD Symmetric Matrices”, in S. Kumar (editor), Recent Development in Mathematical Programming, Australia Society for Q.R. special publication, Gordon & Breach, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia, 1991, pp. 199-212.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “Introduction to Optimization”, in K.S. Al-Sultan and M.A. rahim, eds. Optimization in Quality Control, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, U.S.A., 1997, pp. 1-53.
M.A. Rahim, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Some Contemporary Approaches to Optimization Models in Process Control”, in K.S. Al-Sultan and M.A. Rahim, eds.Optimization in Quality Control, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, U.S.A., 1997, pp.55-86.
* Papers Published in Conference Proceedings
S.O. Duffuaa, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Mathematical Model for Effective Maintenance Planning and Scheduling”, Proceedings of the Second Scientific Symposium on Maintenance Planning and Operations, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 1993, pp. 184-193.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “The Determination of Optimal Target values for Two Machines”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Singapore, September 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A New Approach to the Multible Choice Knapsack Problem”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Ashikaga, japan, March 1994, pp. 548-551.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Polynomial Algorithm for the Correspondence Problem”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Singapore, July 1995, pp. 1213-1217.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “The Vehicle Rounting Problem: A Survey”, Proceedings of the 5th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, MAy, 1996, pp. 269-274.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Algorithm for Minimizing the makespan in A Job Shop Scheduling”, Proceedings of the 5th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA, MAy18-19, 1996, pp. 115-119.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “The Optimal Control of a Production Process Subject to drift and shift in the process mean: A Survey”,Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Kyongjo, South Korea, October, 1996, pp. 961-964.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, "Constrained Global Optimization by Tabu Search ",Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Kyongjo, South Korea, October, 1996, pp. 357-360.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Based Algorithm for Production Planning when routing is Flexible” accepted in 1998 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Banff, Canada.
M.A. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “An Algorithm for Minimizing the Total Tardiness with Sequence Dependent Setups”, accepted in 1998 Industrial Engineering research Conference, banff, Canada.
M. Ben Daya and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A mixed Interior and Exterior Point Approach for Quadratic Programming”, extended abstract accepted in the 5th Saudi Engineering Conference, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1999.
S.O. Duffuaa, M. Ben daya, K.S. Al-Sultan, and S. Al-Ben Saleh, “A Continuous Improvement Scheme for Production Planning and Control”, extended abstract accepted in the 5th Saudi Engineering Conference, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 1999.
* Papers in Conference and Professional Meetings Based on Abstracts
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “Exterior Point Algorithms or Nearest Point and Convex Quadratic Programming”, invited paper in ORSA/TIMS Joint meeting in Las Vegas, NV, USA, May 1990.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “Nearest Points in Non-simplical cones and LCP’s with PSD Matrices”, invited paper in ORSA/TIMS Joint meeting in Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 1990.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Multible Choice knapsack Problem”, presented ar ORSA/TIMS joint meeting in Nashville, TN, USA, May 1991.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Ben Daya, “An Exterior Point Algorithm for Convex Quadratic and Nonlinear Programming”, invited paper in ORSA/TIMS joint meeting in Chicago, ILL, USA, May 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A General Model for Deterministic Inventory Systems with Constraints”, 12th International Conference on Production Research, Finland, August 1993.
M. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem”, presented at ORSA/TIMS joint meeting in Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Ben Daya, “A New Exterior Point Approach for a Class of Convex Quadratic Programming”, invited paper in the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, August 1994.
S.O. Duffuaa, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Stochastic Programming Model for Maintenance Scheduling”, invited paper in the 15th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, August 1994.
M. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Algorithm for minimizing the number of tool Switches on a Flexible Machine”, INFORMS Spring Meeting, Washington, USA, 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Al-Fawzan, “Variance Reduction in A Process with Random Linear Drift”, INFORMS Spring Meeting, Washington, USA, 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Al-Fawzan, “A Tabu Search-Hooke and Jeeves Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization”, 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Laussanne, Switzerland, August 24-29.
* Technical Reports
K.G. Murty, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “On Relationship between L1, L2, Lw Minima”, Technical report 89-26, department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1989.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, and T. Yi, “A Newton-Based Iterative Method for Finding a Feasible Point of a System of Convex Inequalities”, Technical Report 91-17, department of Industrial and Operations, Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1991.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “On the Intericacy of Checking the Unboundedness of Convex Functions”, technical report 91-8, department of Industrial and Operations, Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 1991.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Al-Utaibi, “Computational Experience on three Algorithms for the n-Job 3-Machine Flowshop Sequencing Problem”, Technical Report CCSE/016/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering (CCSE), KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, August 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Multible Choice knapsack Problem”, Technical Report CCSE/017/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, August 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Lagrangain Approach to the General Deterministic Inventory Model with Constraints”, Technical Report CCSE/018/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, August 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Polynomial Algorithm for the Correspondence Problem”, Technical Report CCSE/019/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, August 1993.
M. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem”, Technical Report CCSE/027/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 1995.
M. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “The Vehicle Routing Problem: A Survey”, Technical Report CCSE/028/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 1995.
M.D.S. Aliyu, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Collision Detection Algorithms: A Survey”, Technical Report CCSE/028/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 1995.
M. Al-Fawzan, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “The optimal Control of a Production Process subject to Drift and Shift in the Process Mean: A Survey”, Technical Report CCSE/97-003/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 1997.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M.A. Rahim, “Economic Selection of Process Parameters: A Survey”, Technical Report CCSE/97-002/SE, College of Computer Sciences and Engineering, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, 1997.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Ben Daya, “Extrior Point Algorithm for Linear, Quadratic and Nonlinear Programming”, First Progress Report SE/OPTECH/141, August 1992.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Ben Daya, “Extrior Point Algorithm for Linear, Quadratic and Nonlinear Programming”, Second Progress Report SE/OPTECH/141, September 1993.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and M. Ben Daya, “Extrior Point Algorithm for Linear, Quadratic and Nonlinear Programming”, Third Progress Report SE/OPTECH/141, July 1994.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", First Progress Report, January 1996 (In Arabic).
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", Second Progress Report, May 1996 (In Arabic).
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", Final Report, July 1996 (In Arabic).
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya “Implementation of Maintenance Improvement Program in the Saudi Railway Organization”, First Progress Report, February 1997 (In Arabic).
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya “Implementation of Maintenance Improvement Program in the Saudi Railway Organization”, Second Progress Report, June 1997 (In Arabic).
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya “Implementation of Maintenance Improvement Program in the Saudi Railway Organization”, Final Report, July 1997 (In Arabic).
* Invited Talks
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “An Exterior Point Algorithm for Nearest Points and Convex Quadratic Programming”, invited paper at Cornell Workshop on Complexity of Numerical Optimization, Ithaca, N.Y., USA, March 1991.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and K.G. Murty, “On The Intercacy of Checking Unboundedness of Convex Functions”, invited paper at Cornell Workshop on Complexity of Numerical Optimization, Ithaca, N.Y., USA, March 1991.
Three presentations invited in ORSA/TIMS meetings (see items 9,10, and 12] 3.1.5. above and two presentations in the 15th Mathematical Programming Symposium (see items15,16] in 3.1.5 above).
* Seminars & Presentations
K.S. Al-Sultan, “An Exterior Point Algorithm for Linear, Quadratic, and Nonlinear Programming”, Systems Engineering Department, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, December 1991.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “A Newton Based Radius Reduction Algorithm for Nearest Point Problems in Pos Cones”, Joint Optimization/Systems Engineering Seminar, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, October 1993.
M. Ben Daya and K.S. Al-Sultan, and C. Fedjki, “A Penalty Approach to Nonlinear Programming”, KFUPM Minisimposium on Optimization and its Applications", KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, May 31, 1995.
M.D. Aliyu, and K.S. Al-Sultan, “Simulation of Objects in Motion” Minisimposium on Computer Simulation and its Applications", KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, May 21, 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, “Proposal to evaluate and improve maintenance of the Saudi railway Organization (SRO)”, A presentation to the board of SRO, August, 1995.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", A presentation of First Progress Report to the President of SRO and its top executives, February 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", A presentation of Second Progress Report to the President of SRO and its top executives, May 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", A presentation of Final Progress Report to the President of SRO and its top executives, July 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya"Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization", A presentation of Final Progress Report to the Board of SRO, September 1996.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya “Implementation of Maintenance Improvement Program in the Saudi Railway Organization”, A presentation of the First Progress report to the President of SRO and its top executives, April 1997.
K.S. Al-Sultan, and S.O. Duffuaa, and M. Ben Daya “Implementation of Maintenance Improvement Program in the Saudi Railway Organization”, A presentation of the Final Progress report to the President of SRO and its top executives, April 1997.
I gave presentations 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10, and 11.
* Funded Research and Projects
A project for Saudi Aramco entitled “Quality Techniques for Data Analysis”, April-October 1992 (Co-Investigator) (Budget: SR 38,777)
A project funded by KFUPM entitled “Exterior Point Algorithms for Linear, Quadratic, and Nonlinear Programming”, starting date: March 1992 (Principal Investigator) (Budget: SR 178,600)
A project funded by Ministry of Planning entitled “A Comprehensive Plan for the development of post-secondary education in Saudi Arabia”, July 1992-December 1992 (Co-Investigator) (Budget: SR 966,650)
A project funded by the Authority for Military Industries entitled “Job Description and Evaluation for the General Authority for Military Industries”, February 1994 - July 1995 (Co-Investigator) (Budget: SR 500,000)
A project for Saudi Aramco entitled “Consulting and Training in Computer Simulation” October 1994 - December 1994 (Co-Investigator) (Budget: SR 81,000)
A book writing project funded by KFUPM for editing a book titled, “Optimization in Quality Control”, edited by K.S. Al-Sultan and M.A. rahim and published by Kluwer Publishing Company, May 1995-April 1997 (Solo-Investigator) (Budget: SR 39,500)
A project for Saudi Railway Organization entitled, “Maintenance Evaluation and Improvement in the Saudi Railway Organization”, November 1995-July 1996 (Principal Investigator) (Budget: SR 200,000)
A project for Saudi Railway Organization entitled, “Application of a Maintenance Improvement Program in the Saudi Railway Organization”, October 1996-July 1997 (Principal Investigator) (Budget: SR 250,000)
A project funded by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) entitled “A Simulation Model for Maintenance Systems in Saudi Arabia”, September 1997-August 1999, (Co-Investigator) (Budget: SR 356,000)
* Consulting
October 1995-Present: Part-time consultant for Saudi Basic Industries Company (SABIC) Complex for Research and Development, Riyadh in the area of quality control.
October 1997-Present: Part-time consultant to H.E. the Minister of Communications.
Consultant to H.E. the President General of the Saudi Railway Organization on sporadic and informal basis.
I have done consulting for Saudi ARAMCO and Saudi Fertilizer companies in the area of quality control.
المصدر… للمتابعة