Non-Metallic Materials Concentration Program
Overview / نظرة عامة
This interdisciplinary program covers the science, engineering, and industrial applications of non-metallic materials including polymers and ceramics. Topics include the chemical structure, synthesis, characterization, and processing of the non-metallic materials. Industrial applications cover, but not limited to, piping in the oil and gas industry, membranes for purification and separation processes, coatings for corrosion prevention, and others. Four courses are required for this program each with 3 semester hours A pre-requisite for this program is a basic course in materials science and engineering.
يغطي هذا التخصص علم وهندسة وتطبيقات المواد غير المعدنية بما في ذلك البوليمرات والسيراميك. تشمل الموضوعات التركيب الكيميائي، والتخليق، والتوصيف، ومعالجة المواد غير المعدنية. تشمل التطبيقات الصناعية، ولكن لا تقتصر على، الأنابيب في صناعة النفط والغاز، الأغشية لعمليات التنقية والفصل، الطلاءات لمنع التآكل، وغيرها. يتطلب البرنامج أربع مقررات دراسية، كل منها بثلاث ساعات فصلية. يشترط للالتحاق بهذا البرنامج إتمام مقرر أساسي في علم وهندسة المواد.
Application for the Concentration Program
Eligibility Criteria
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
- Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
- Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
- Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.
- Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February)
- Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.
Hosting Department:
- Chemical Engineering
For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.
To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.
Offered To:
Major | Pre/Co-requisites | Notes |
Chemical Engineering (CHE) | ME 207 | - |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | ME 216 | |
Chemistry (CHEM) | CHEM 458 | |
Civil Engineering (CE) | CE 204 |
Courses in the Concentration
Course | Course Title | Brief Description | Pre-requisites | Instructors | Average GPA | Notes |
CHE 463 | Polymer Technology | Focus on polymer structure, properties, polymerization processes, processing, and rheology. | ME 216 or ME 205 or ME 207 or CE 204 or CHEM 458 | Prof. Mamdouh Al-Harthi, Prof. Muhammad Atiqullah, Dr. Rajesh Theravalappil, Prof. Florian Stadler | - | - |
ME 476 | Non-Metallic Materials | Non-metallic materials’ properties, processing, and applications. | ME 205 OR ME 207 OR ME 216 OR CHEM 458 OR CE 303 CE 204 | Dr. Zayd Leseman, Prof. Saheb Nouari, Prof. Zuhair Gasem | ||
CHEM 457 | Polymer Characterization and Analysis | Polymer analysis techniques for properties, molecular weight, and spectra, with data interpretation. | CHEM 451 or CHE 463 | Dr. Saheed Ganiyu, Prof. Jafar M Mazumder | ||
CHE 484 | Polymer Composites and Applications | Polymer materials, processing, applications, and recycling across industries. | ME 205 OR ME 207 OR ME 216 OR CHEM 458 OR CE 303 OR CE 204 | Dr. Abdulhadi Al-Juhani |
Semester | Course 1 | Course 2 |
First Semester (Fall) | CHE 463 | ME 476 |
Second Semester (Spring) | CHE 484 | CHEM 457 |
Special Benefits
Hands-on Experience:
Industry Relevance:
Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:
Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:
Softwares and Applications Utilized:
Other Benefits:
- For courses’ study materials click here
Photo | Name | Courses | Office Number | Telephone | Office Hours | Department | Specialization | Taqeem Post | Coordinator | |
Dr. Abdulhadi Al-Juhani | CHE 484 | Building 16 Room 213 | | 966-13-860 7234 | - | Chemical Engineering | Polymer Processing | Taqeem Post | Program Coordinator | |
Prof. Mamdouh Al-Harthi | CHE 463 | Building 16 Room 218 | | 966-13-860 1089 | - | Chemical Engineering | Polymer Synthesis and Characterization | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Florian J. Stadler | CHE 463 | Building 16 Room 268 | | 966-13-860 5872 | - | Chemical Engineering | Structure-property relationships in various systems | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Muhammad Atiqullah | CHE 463 | Building - Room - | | 966-13-860 - | - | - | Polymer Synthesis and Characterization | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Rajesh Theravalappil | CHE 463 | Building - Room - | | 966-13-860 8048 | - | - | Polymer Synthesis and Characterization | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Jafar Mazumder | CHEM 457 | Building 4 Room 231 | | 966-13-860 7836 | - | Chemistry | Development of smart polymeric materials for the removal of heavy metals and organic contaminants from aqueous solutions | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Saheed Ganiyu | CHEM 457 | Building 4 Room 136 | | 966-13-860 3614 | - | Chemistry | Materials & Nanoscience | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Zuhair Gasem | ME 476 | Building 63 Room 347 | | 966-13-860 2569 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Material Science | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Saheb Nouari | ME 476 | Building 63 Room 304 | | 966-13-860 7529 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Metallic Materials, Nanomaterials, Nanocomposites | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Zayd Leseman | ME 476 | Building 63 Room 315 | | 966-13-860 2579 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Renewable Energy, Materials, Mechanics of Materials, MEMS / Nanotechnology | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Jiabao Yi | CHE 484 | Building 16 Room 204 | | 966-13-860 5214 | - | Chemical Engineering | Materials Science | Taqeem Post | ||
Miscellaneous Information
Number of Students in a Single Batch:
Information about Previous Batches:
Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:
Interested Companies/ Organizations:
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