CX: Renewable Energy and Energy Storage

Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Concentration Program

Overview / نظرة عامة

This interdisciplinary program covers various renewable energy technologies, including solar (photovoltaic and concentrated solar power), wind, and geothermal, as well as energy storage options such as electrical (e.g. battery) and thermal storage, and waste-to-energy systems. Students understand the components of renewable energy systems, evaluate the potential (technical, economic, and environmental) of renewable energy at specific sites, design and assess the performance of renewable systems, study the integration of renewable energy systems with energy storage systems and with conventional energy systems. The program also covers renewable energy project management, grid integration of renewables, smart grids, net-zero buildings, and touches on renewable energy policy and environmental law.

يغطي هذا التخصص تقنيات الطاقة المتجددة المختلفة، بما في ذلك الطاقة الشمسية (الضوئية والمركزة)، وطاقة الرياح، والطاقة الحرارية الأرضية، بالإضافة إلى خيارات تخزين الطاقة مثل التخزين الكهربائي (مثل البطاريات) والتخزين الحراري، وأنظمة تحويل النفايات إلى طاقة. يهدف البرنامج إلى تمكين الطلاب من فهم مكونات أنظمة الطاقة المتجددة، وتقييم إمكانيات الطاقة المتجددة (تقنيًا واقتصاديًا وبيئيًا) في مواقع معينة، وتصميم وتقييم أداء الأنظمة المتجددة، ودراسة تكامل أنظمة الطاقة المتجددة مع أنظمة تخزين الطاقة والأنظمة التقليدية. كما يشمل البرنامج إدارة مشاريع الطاقة المتجددة، ودمجها في الشبكات، والشبكات الذكية، والمباني ذات الانبعاثات الصفرية، ويغطي أيضًا سياسات الطاقة المتجددة وقوانين البيئة.

Application for the Concentration Program

Eligibility Criteria


  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
  • Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
  • Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
  • Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.


  • Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February)
  • Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.

Hosting Department:

  • Chemical Engineering

For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.

To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.

Offered To:

Major Pre/Co-requisites Notes
Mechanical Engineering (ME) ME 204 and ME 315 and MATH 102 -
Chemical Engineering (CHE) CHE 300 and CHE 303 and MATH 102 -

Courses in the Concentration

Course Course Title Brief Description Pre-requisites Instructors Average GPA Notes
CHE 444 Fuel Cells, Batteries and Supercapacitors Fuel cells, electrochemistry, energy storage, and hybrid management. ME 204 or CHE 303 Dr. Wael Fouad , Dr. Zuhair Alyousef - -
ME 439 Solar Energy Conversion Solar energy conversion, radiation, heat transfer, collectors, storage, and thermal applications. ME 315 or CHE 300 Prof. Haitham Bahaidarah, Prof. Fahad Al-Suliman, Prof. Mohammed Antar, Dr. Obaidallah Al-Munteshari, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sharafi, Dr. Bilal Qureshi
ECON 475 Introduction to Energy Markets, Policies and Regulations Energy economics, pricing, market analysis, government impact, environment, renewables, and Saudi energy sector case study. MATH 102 or MATH 106 Dr. Muhammad Akimaya
CHE 424 Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes Geothermal, energy storage, wind, hydrogen, solar, photovoltaics, and biomass. ME 204 or CHE 303 Dr. Wael Fouad, Dr. Ridha Ben Mansour, Dr. Sagir Adamu
Semester Course 1 Course 2
First Semester (Fall) CHE 444 ECON 475
Second Semester (Spring) CHE 424 ME 439

Special Benefits

  • Hands-on Experience:

  • Industry Relevance:

  • Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:

  • Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:

  • Softwares and Applications Utilized:

  • Other Benefits:



Photo Name Courses Office Number Email Telephone Office Hours Department Specialization Taqeem Post Coordinator
Dr. Zuhair Alyousef CHE 444 Building 16 Room 261 966-13-860 2757 - Chemical Engineering Fuel Cells Taqeem Post :heavy_check_mark: Program Coordinator
Dr. Wael Ahmed Fouad CHE 424 & CHE 444 Building 16 Room 246 966-13-860 1429 - Chemical Engineering Waste Heat Recovery Taqeem Post
Dr. Sagir Adamu Dr. Sagir Adamu CHE 424 Building 1 Room 127 966-13-860 7616 - IRC-RAC & Chemical Engineering Reaction Kinetics Taqeem Post
Dr. Ridha Ben Ali Ben Mansour CHE 424 Building 15 Room 966-13-860 8445 - IRC-SES Energy Taqeem Post
Dr. Muhammad Akimaya ECON 475 Building 24 Room 272-1 966-13-860 2127 - Accounting & Finance Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Political Economy, Valuation, Development Economics Taqeem Post
Prof. Haitham Bahaidarah ME 439 Building 63 Room 202 966-13-860 1747 - Mechanical Engineering Numerical Heat Transfer Taqeem Post
Prof. Mohammed Antar ME 439 Building 63 Room 355 966-13-860 2759 - Mechanical Engineering Energy Taqeem Post
Dr. Obaidallah Al-Munteshari ME 439 Building 63 Room 254 966-13-860 2364 - Mechanical Engineering Thermal management systems Taqeem Post
Dr. Abdullah Al-Sharafi ME 439 Building 63 Room 148 966-13-860 2693 - Mechanical Engineering Energy Taqeem Post
Dr. Bilal Qureshi ME 439 Building 63 Room 154 966-13-860 2685 - Mechanical Engineering Energy Taqeem Post
Prof. Fahad Al-Suliman ME 439 - Mechanical Engineering Energy Taqeem Post

Miscellaneous Information

  • Number of Students in a Single Batch:

  • Information about Previous Batches:

  • Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:

  • Interested Companies/ Organizations:

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