Resilient Marine Infrastructures Concentration Program
Overview / نظرة عامة
Durability of structures, particularly the ones exposed to marine environments, has gained significant attention among the researchers and experts in civil engineering. Corrosion of steel structural elements and degradation of concrete and related construction materials, require expensive repairs and efficiency losses. It is, therefore, critical to understand the damage mechanism and develop methods for construction of durable marine structures. This concentration seeks to equip final year students with tools that are necessary for ensuring the durable design, construction, evaluation, and repair of marine structures.
متانة الهياكل، وخاصة تلك المعرضة للبيئات البحرية، حظيت باهتمام كبير بين الباحثين والخبراء في الهندسة المدنية. تؤدي تآكل العناصر الهيكلية الفولاذية وتدهور الخرسانة ومواد البناء ذات الصلة إلى تكاليف إصلاح باهظة وخسائر في الكفاءة. لذا، من الضروري فهم آلية الضرر وتطوير طرق لبناء هياكل بحرية متينة. يهدف هذا التخصص إلى تزويد طلاب السنة النهائية بالأدوات اللازمة لضمان التصميم المتين، والبناء، والتقييم، وإصلاح الهياكل البحرية.
Application for the Concentration Program
Eligibility Criteria
- Minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for all BSc KFUPM students.
- Students with applied major cannot enroll in concentrations.
- Students who completed (79 – 115 hours).
- Students who finished all junior-level courses of the specific majors are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the prerequisites.
- Applications open at the end of the first semester of the Junior year ( around November ) till the middle of the following semester ( around February)
- Applications are reviewed at the end of the second semester or early summer.
Hosting Department:
- Civil & Environmental Engineering
For more information about concentration programs, visit the general information page.
To apply for the concentration program, please visit the official application page provided by the university.
Offered To:
Major | Pre/Co-requisites | Notes |
Civil Engineering (CE) | CHEM 101 and (MSE 201 or ME 216 or ME 207) | |
Chemical Engineering (CHE) | CHEM 101 and (MSE 201 or ME 216 or ME 207) | |
Architectural Engineering (ARE) | CHEM 101 and (MSE 201 or ME 216) | |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | CHEM 101 and ME 216 | - |
Petroleum Engineering (PETE) | CHEM 101 and (MSE 201 or ME 216) | - |
Courses in the Concentration
Course | Course Title | Brief Description | Pre-requisites | Instructors | Average GPA | Notes |
CE 403 | Characterization of Marine Environment | The course covers marine sciences, offshore impacts, and environmental policies. | Senior standing | Dr. Abdu Kambrath Pulikk, Dr. Mehmuna Begum | - | - |
CE 407 | Introduction to Marine Structures and Materials | The course covers marine structures, environmental loadings, and material properties. | Senior standing | Prof. Salah Al-Dulaijan | ||
CE 409 | Assessment and Maintenance of Marine Structures | The course covers marine structures deterioration and its prevention. | Senior standing | Dr. Kong Fah Tee | ||
ME 472 | Corrosion Engineering | Corrosion types, prevention, protection, and design considerations. | CHEM 101 and (MSE 201 or ME 216 or ME 207 or CE 204) | Prof. Zuhair Mattoug Gasem, Prof. Syed Fida Hassan, Dr. Ahmad Sorour, Dr. Ihsan ul Haq Toor, Dr. Akeem Adesina |
Semester | Course 1 | Course 2 |
First Semester (Fall) | CE 403 | CE 407 |
Second Semester (Spring) | CE 409 | ME 472 |
Special Benefits
Hands-on Experience:
Industry Relevance:
Additional Courses/ Short Courses/ Professional Certifications Taken or Obtained Through the Program:
Expos/ Conferences/ Competitions for individuals involved in the program:
Softwares and Applications Utilized:
Other Benefits:
- For courses’ study materials click here
Photo | Name | Courses | Office Number | Telephone | Office Hours | Department | Specialization | Taqeem Post | Coordinator | |
Prof. Salah Al-Dulaijan | CE 407 | Building 3 Room 223 | | 966-13-860 2850 | - | Civil Engineering | Construction Materials & Corrosion | Taqeem Post | Program Coordinator | |
Dr. Abdu Pulikkoden | CE 403 | Building - Room | | 966-13-860 - | - | Applied Research Center for Environment and Marine Studies | Marine Science | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Ihsan ul Haq Toor | ME 472 | Building 63 Room 358 | | 966-13-860 7493 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Corrosion/Electrochemistry/Environmental Induced cracking | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Jie Ren | Building 16 Room 178 | | 966-13-860 - | - | Materials Science and Engineering | Alkali-activated materials | Taqeem Post | |||
Dr. Mehmuna Begum | CE 403 | Building - Room | | 966-13-860 - | - | Applied Research Center for Environment and Marine Studies | Coastal Research | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Muath Al-Malki | Building 63 Room 101-2 | | 966-13-860 5517 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Hard materials for wear resistance applications | Taqeem Post | |||
Dr. Abduljabar Q. Al-Sayoud | Building 63 Room 244 | | 966-13-860 2950 | - | Materials Science and Engineering | Modeling and atomistic simulations of materials using both classical molecular dynamics and density functional theory (DFT) | Taqeem Post | |||
Prof. Syed Fida Hassan | ME 472 | Building 63 Room 350 | | 966-13-860 7787 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Metal Matrix Composite and Nanocomposite | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Ahmad Sorour | ME 472 | Building 63 Room 150 | | 966-13-860 7507 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Corrosion | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Kong Fah Tee | CE 409 | Building 3 Room | | 966-13-860 - | - | Civil Engineering | Sustainable Construction Materials | Taqeem Post | ||
Prof. Zuhair Gasem | ME 472 | Building 63 Room 347 | | 966-13-860 2569 | - | Mechanical Engineering | Material Science | Taqeem Post | ||
Dr. Akeem Yusuf Adesina | ME 472 | Building - Room - | 966-13-860 - | - | - | Taqeem Post | ||||
Miscellaneous Information
Number of Students in a Single Batch:
Information about Previous Batches:
First Batch started taking the courses in T 241 -
Former/Current Students in the Program Contact Information:
Interested Companies/ Organizations:
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