التخصصات الدقيقة || Concentration Program CX
ما هو برنامج التخصصات الدقيقة؟
برنامج التخصصات الدقيقة هو برنامج اختياري متاح فقط لطلاب التخصصات العلمية (Science). يهدف إلى تطوير مهارات الطلاب في مجال محدد عن طريق أخذ أربع مواد اختيارية موجهة ضمن مجال معين، ويتم منح شهادة مستقلة للبرنامج بجانب وثيقة التخرج.
على سبيل المثال، يمكن للطالب التخرج بشهادة هندسة ميكانيكية مع شهادة تخصص دقيق في الأنظمة الحرارية.
آلية التقديم والدراسة:
- التقديم: يتم التقديم على التخصصات الدقيقة في الفصل الدراسي الأول من السنة الرابعة (Junior Year).
الدراسة: يتم دراسة المواد في السنة الخامسة (Senior Year):
- مادتان في الفصل الأول
- مادتان في الفصل الثاني
ملحوظة: تخصص الهندسة النووية يتبع نظامًا مختلفًا في التقديم ودراسة المواد.
رابط التقديم والفرص المتاحة:
ملحوظة | Note:
إذا كانت لديك أي استفسارات إضافية، يمكنك التواصل مع الجهة المسؤولة ( عمادة الدراسات العليا ):
- رقم الهاتف: 0138608895
- الموقع: مبنى 68، مكتب 221
المتطلبات العامة:
- الحد الأدنى للمعدل التراكمي: 2.0 لجميع طلاب درجة البكالوريوس في جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن (KFUPM).
- الطلاب ذوو التخصصات التطبيقية غير مؤهلين للتسجيل في التخصصات الدقيقة.
- الطلاب الذين أكملوا من 79 إلى 115 ساعة معتمدة مؤهلون للتقديم.
- بالنسبة لطلاب KBS، يسمح بالتقديم إذا كان عدد الساعات المكتسبة يتراوح بين 50 إلى 110 ساعة.
- الطلاب الذين أنهوا جميع مواد المستوى Junior الخاصة بالتخصص مؤهلون للتسجيل في التخصص الدقيق بعد إكمال المواد الأساسية المطلوبة.
معلومات إضافية:
يمكن للطلاب الذين يكملون برنامج CX ثم يلتحقون ببرنامج MX في نفس المجال احتساب المقررات ذات الصلة من CX ضمن متطلبات MX.
- على سبيل المثال، في تخصص الروبوتات:
- CIE 480: مقدمة في الروبوتات والأنظمة المستقلة
- CIE 481: التحكم التطبيقي في أنظمة الروبوتات
- CIE 482: تخطيط المسار والملاحة للروبوتات المتنقلة
CIE 483: الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة للروبوتات
يتم احتسابها بدلاً من المقررات المكافئة في MX: - AE 581: مقدمة في الروبوتات والأنظمة المستقلة
- SCE 575: التحكم التطبيقي في أنظمة الروبوتات
- SCE 576: تخطيط المسار والملاحة للروبوتات المتنقلة
- ICS 520: الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة للروبوتات
- على سبيل المثال، في تخصص الروبوتات:
تم إعداد قائمة تشغيل على YouTube توضح برنامج التخصصات الدقيقة (CX) وبرنامج الماجستير (MX) من قبل جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن:
رابط قائمة التشغيل
الأسئلة الشائعة:
هل التخصص الدقيق يقلل من فرصي الوظيفية؟
لا، يتم منح شهادة مستقلة للتخصص الدقيق، والطالب له الحرية في إرفاقها مع طلبات التوظيف أو عدمه. -
هل الأفضل اختيار تخصص دقيق أم مواد اختيارية متنوعة؟
هذا يعتمد على اهتمامات الطالب. إذا كنت ترغب في التخصص في مجال معين، فإن التخصص الدقيق هو الخيار الأنسب. أما إذا كنت تفضل التعرف على عدة مجالات، يمكنك اختيار مواد اختيارية منوعة.
Concentration Program CX
What is the Concentration Program?
The Concentration Program is an optional program available exclusively for science students. It aims to enhance students’ expertise in a specific field by taking four elective courses focused on a particular domain.
Upon completion, students receive an independent certificate for the program in addition to their graduation degree.
For example, a student could graduate with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and an additional certificate in Thermal Systems Concentration.
Application and Study Process:
- When to Apply: Applications are submitted during the first semester of the Junior Year (4th year).
Course Schedule:
- Two courses in the first semester of the Senior Year (5th year).
- Two courses in the second semester.
Note: The Nuclear Engineering CX has a unique application process and course distribution.
Application Link and Available Opportunities:
For further inquiries, please contact the responsible deanship ( Graduate Studies):
- Phone Number: 013-860-8895
- Location: Building 68, Office 221
General Requirements:
- Minimum GPA: 2.0 for all KFUPM BSc students.
- Students with applied majors cannot enroll in concentrations.
- Students who have completed 79 – 115 earned hours are eligible.
- For KBS students, the eligible range is 50 to 110 earned hours.
- Students who have completed all Junior-level courses specific to their major are eligible to enroll in the concentration after completing the pre-requisite courses.
Additional Information:
Students who complete a CX program and later pursue an MX in the same field can have relevant courses from the CX program counted toward the MX program.
- For example, in the Robotics concentration:
- CIE 480: Introduction to Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- CIE 481: Applied Control for Robotic Systems
- CIE 482: Path Planning and Navigation for Mobile Robots
CIE 483: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Robots
will count in place of the equivalent MX courses: - AE 581: Introduction to Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- SCE 575: Applied Control for Robotic Systems
- SCE 576: Path Planning and Navigation for Mobile Robots
- ICS 520: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Robotics
- For example, in the Robotics concentration:
A YouTube playlist has been prepared by KFUPM to explain the CX and MX programs:
YouTube Playlist Link
Does the concentration certificate affect my job opportunities?
No, the concentration program provides an independent certificate, and you can choose whether to include it in your job applications. -
Should I choose a concentration or diverse elective courses?
It depends on your interests. If you want to specialize in a specific field, the concentration program is ideal.
If you prefer exploring multiple areas, you can opt for diverse elective courses.
Concentration Programs and Details
Concentration Program | Hosting Department | Program Coordinator | Courses Involved | Offered To | Prerequisites/Corequisites | Notes |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Information & Computer Science | Dr. x | ICS 471, ICS 485 (First Semester),ICS 472, ICS 483 (Second Semester) | COE, CS, SWE | COE 292, and MATH 208, and STAT 319 | - |
Automated Construction Management | Architectural Engineering | Dr. X | ARE 432, CEM 441 (First Semester), ARE 466, CEM 442 (Second Semester) | ARE, ARC, CE, CIE | COE 292 | - |
Bioelectronics and Sensors | Electrical Engineering | Dr. Alaael-Din Hussein | LS 401, EE 427 (First Semester), COE 450, EE 439 (Second Semester) | EE, CIE | EE 203, or EE 234, or EE236 | - |
Building and Construction Safety | Architectural Engineering | Dr. x | ARE 436, ARC 431 (First Semester), ARE 435, CE 479 (Second Semester) | CE, ARE, ARC | Senior Standing | - |
Business Analytics | Information Systems & Operations Management | Dr. x | STAT 310, MIS 341 (First Semester), MIS 442, ICS 474 (Second Semester) | MGT, FIN, ACCT, MIS | MIS 215, and (STAT 212 or STAT 201 or STAT 213 or STAT 319) | - |
Climate Change Adaptation | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Dr. Y | CE 404, CHE 475 (First Semester), CE 478, GEO 401 (Second Semester) | CE, CHE, GEOL, GEOP, PETE | Senior Standing | - |
Cloud Computing | Computer Engineering | Dr. A | COE 452, COE 427 (First Semester), COE 453, SWE 455 (Second Semester) | COE, ICS, SWE | COE 344 or ICS 343 | - |
Communication Systems | Electrical Engineering | Dr. Mohammad Alhassoun | EE 417, EE 400 (First Semester), EE 419, EE 420 (Second Semester) | EE | EE 315 and EE 370 and PHYS 305 | - |
Computer Networks | Computer Engineering | Dr. N | COE 444, COE 446 (First Semester), COE 453, ICS 445 (Second Semester) | COE, SWE, CIE, EE, CS | COE 344 or ICS 343 or EE 400 | - |
Corrosion and Materials Degradation | Material Sciences and Engineering | Dr. S | MSE 434, ME 472 (First Semester), MSE 435, ME 456 | MSE, ME, CE, CHEM, ISE | ME 216 or ME 207 or MSE 201 | - |
Cybersecurity and Blockchain | Information & Computer Science | Dr. A | COE 426, ICS 440 (First Semester), ICS 442, SWE 445 (Second Semester) | COE, CS, SWE | (ICS 343 or COE 344 or COE 353) and STAT 319 and (MATH 208 or ICS 254) | - |
Data Science and Analytics | Mathematics | Dr. A | ICS 474, MATH 405 (First Semester), STAT 413, ISE 487 (Second Semester) | MATH, COE, CS, ISE | (MATH 102 OR MATH 106) AND (STAT 201 OR 212 OR 319 OR ISE 205) AND (ICS 102 OR ICS 103 OR ICS 104) | - |
Decision Analytics | Industrial & Systems Engineering | Dr. S | ISE 447, ICS 487 (First Semester), ISE 455, MATH 407 (Second Semester) | ISE, CIE, CS, SWE. EE, ME, CHE | ISE 205 OR STAT 319 OR EE 315 | - |
Drone Design and Application | Aerospace Engineering | Dr. A | AE 449, CIE 483 (First Semester), CIE 482, AE 454 (Second Semester) | AE, ME, CIE, EE | MATH 208 and PHYS 102 | - |
Electronic Defense Systems | Electrical Engineering | Dr. Mohammad Alhassoun | EE 406, EE 407 (First Semester), EE 416, EE 421 (Second Semester) | EE | EE 207 and (EE 340 or PHYS 305) | - |
Energy Efficiency | Electrical Engineering | Dr. Ali T. Al-Awami | ARE 421, EE 459 (First Semester), EE 468, ME 429 (Second Semester) | EE, ME, ARE | EE 202 OR EE 204 OR EE 234 | - |
Enhanced Oil Recovery | Petroleum Engineering | Dr. M | PETE 432, PETE 461 (First Semester), PETE 462, PETE 463 (Second Semester) | PETE | PETE 301 or PETE 330 | - |
Human Resources Management | Management & Marketing | Dr. N | HRM 401, HRM 402 (First Semester), HRM 403, HRM 390 (Second Semester) | MGT, ISOM, FIN, ACCT, MIS, IM, MKT | HRM 301 | - |
Hydrogen Mobility | Chemical Engineering | Dr. A | CHE 444, EE 458 (First Semester), CHE 404, ME 432 (Second Semester) | CHE, ME | ME 204 OR CHE 303 | - |
IC Design and Fabrication | Electrical Engineering | Dr. A | EE 436, COE 461 (First Semester), PHYS 336, EE 425 (Second Semester) | EE, PHYS, COE, CIE, MSE | (COE 202 or CIE 204), and (EE 203 or EE 236) | - |
Intelligent Energy Systems Management | Mechanical Engineering | Dr. M | ME 429, ICS 474 (First Semester), ME 426, EE 461 (Second Semester) | EE, ME, CIE, AE | (EE 201 OR EE 204 OR EE 234 OR EE 236) and (ISE 205 OR STAT 319 OR STAT 201 OR STAT 212 OR STAT 213 OR EE 315) | - |
Internet of Things | Computer Engineering | Dr. F | COE 450, ICS 474 (First Semester), CIE 464, COE 454 (Second Semester) | COE, CS, SWE, EE, CIE | (EE 203 or EE 234 or EE 236) and (ISE 205 OR STAT 319 OR STAT 201 OR STAT 212 OR STAT 213 OR EE 315) and (CIE 318 OR COE 344 OR ICS 343 OR EE 400) | - |
Laser & Microwave Sensing | Electrical Engineering | Dr. K | EE 407, EE 421 ( First Semester), PHYS 415, GEOP 422 (Second Semester) | EE, PHYS, GEOP | PHYS 305 OR EE 340 | - |
Mechatronics | Mechanical Engineering | Prof. Muhammad Hawwa | COE 450, ME 455 ( First Semester), CIE 445, EE 436 (Second Semester) | ME, EE, COE, AE | Any of EE 234, EE 203, or EE 236 | - |
Mining Geoscience | Geosciences | Dr. A | GEOL 455, GEOL 457 (First Semester), GEOP 458, GEOL 459 (Second Semester) | GEOL, GEOP, PETE, MNSE | GEOL 217 | - |
Non-Metallic Materials | Chemical Engineering | Dr. A | CHE 463, ME 476 (First Semester), CHEM 457, CHE 484 (Second Semester) | CHE, ME, CHEM, CE | ME 205 OR ME 207 OR ME 216 OR CHEM 458 OR CE 303 OR CE 204 | - |
Nuclear Power Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Dr. Afaque Shams | ME 448 (First Semester), ME 454 and PHYS 423 (Second Semester), CHE 486 (Third Semester) | ME, CHE | Pre: (ME 204 or CHE 303) Co: (ME 315 or CHE 300 and ME 216 or ME 207) | This Program’s application opens at a different time and as specified the courses are taken through three semesters |
Polymer Science & Technology | Chemistry | Dr. K | CHEM 451, ME 453 (First Semester), CHEM 457, ME 480 (Second Semester) | CHEM, ME, CHE | Senior Standing | - |
Process Safety | Chemical Engineering | Dr. Umer Zahid | CE 476, CHE 458 (First Semester), ME 461, ISE 465 (Second Semester) | ISE, EE, ME, CHEM, CHE, CE | PHYS 102 | - |
Quantum Information & Computing | Computer Engineering | Dr. A | COE 466, PHYS 471 (First Semester), ICS 439, PHYS 472 (Second Semester) | PHYS, CS, COE | (COE 292 OR ICS 102 OR ICS 103) AND (MATH 208 OR PHYS 210 OR MATH 225) | - |
Refining and Petrochemicals | Chemical Engineering | Dr. S | CHE 461, CHEM 463 (First Semester), CHE 462, CHE 464 (Second Semester) | CHE | CHE 306 | - |
Renewable Energy and Energy Storage | Chemical Engineering | Dr. K | ECON 475, CHE 444 (First Semester), CHE 424, ME 439 (Second Semester) | ME, CHE | (ME 315 or CHE 300) and (CHE 300 or ME 204) | - |
Research Concentration | All Departments | Dr. M | 4xx, XXX-494 (First Semester), 4xx, XXX-496 (Second Semester) | Junior and Senior Students | - | 4xx: Any undergraduate or graduate technical elective course. XXX 494 & XXX 496 are Undergraduate Thesis |
Resilient Marine Infrastructures | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Dr. A | CE 403, CE 407 (First Semester), CE 409, ME 472 (Second Semester) | CE, ME, ARE, PETE, CHE | ME 216 OR CE 204 or ME 207 | - |
Robotics And Autonomous Systems | Control & Instrumentation Engineering | Dr. A | CIE 480, CIE 483 (First Semester), CIE 481, CIE 482 (Second Semester) | CIE, COE, AE, ISE, EE | CIE 305 OR AE 313 OR EE 380 OR ME 401 OR CHE 401 | - |
Smart And Sustainable Buildings | Architectural Engineering | Dr. A | ARE 460, CE 462 (First Semester), ARE 461, ARE 463 (Second Semester) | ARE, ARC, CE | COE 292 | - |
Supply Chain Management | Information Systems & Operations Management | Dr. N | OM 430, OM 421 (First Semester), OM 423 473, ISE 402 (Second Semester) | MGT, MKT, FIN, ACCT, MIS | (ISE 303 AND ISE 205) or STAT 319 or MATH 106 and (OM 210 and OM 311) | - |
Sustainability In Petroleum Industry | Petroleum Engineering | Dr. x | - | PETE, GEOL, GEOP | - | - |
Thermal Systems | Mechanical Engineering | Dr. A | CHE 432, ME 430 (First Semester), ME 458, ME 460 (Second Semester) | ME, CHE | ME 315 or CHE 300 | - |
Traffic Engineering | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Dr. S | CE 445, CE 481 (First Semester), CP 414, CE 482 (Second Semester) | CE, SE | Senior Standing | - |
Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources | Petroleum Engineering | Dr. A | GEOL 470, PETE 471 (First Semester), PETE 472, PETE 473 (Second Semester) | PETE | PETE 301 | - |
Waste Management | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Dr. Y | CE 476, CE 471 (First Semester), CE 474, CHE 470 (Second Semester) | CE, CHE, ME, CHEM, PETE, ARE, ISE | CE 330, CHE 304 | - |
Major Name | Number of Hosted Concentrations | Hosted Concentrations | Number of Eligible Concentrations | Eligible Concentrations | Notes |
Aerospace Engineering (AE) | 1 | Drone Design and Application | 4 | Drone Design and Application, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Research Concentration | - |
Architectural Engineering (ARE) | 3 | Automated Construction Management, Building and Construction Safety, Smart and Sustainable Buildings | 5 | Automated Construction Management, Building and Construction Safety, Smart and Sustainable Buildings, Resilient Marine Infrastructures, Research Concentration | - |
Chemical Engineering (CHE) | 5 | Renewable Energy and Energy Storage, Refining and Petrochemicals, Non-Metallic Materials, Process Safety, Enhanced Oil Recovery | 10 | Renewable Energy and Energy Storage, Refining and Petrochemicals, Non-Metallic Materials, Process Safety, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Resilient Marine Infrastructures, Nuclear Power Engineering, Thermal Systems, Research Concentration | - |
Chemistry (CHEM) | 1 | Polymer Science & Technology | 3 | Polymer Science & Technology, Non-Metallic Materials, Research Concentration | - |
Civil & Environmental Engineering (CE) | 5 | Climate Change Adaptation, Resilient Marine Infrastructures, Smart and Sustainable Buildings, Traffic Engineering, Waste Management | 9 | Climate Change Adaptation, Resilient Marine Infrastructures, Smart and Sustainable Buildings, Traffic Engineering, Waste Management, Process Safety, Drone Design and Application, Corrosion and Materials Degradation, Research Concentration | - |
Computer Engineering (COE) | 4 | Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Cybersecurity and Blockchain, Quantum Information & Computing | 11 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Quantum Information & Computing, Internet of Things, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Mechatronics, Thermal Systems, Research Concentration | - |
Computer Science (ICS) | 2 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Blockchain | 6 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Quantum Information & Computing, Research Concentration | - |
Control & Instrumentation Engineering (CIE) | 1 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 4 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Internet of Things, Research Concentration | - |
Electrical Engineering (EE) | 6 | Communication Systems, Electronic Defense Systems, Energy Efficiency, Laser & Microwave Sensing, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 10 | Communication Systems, Electronic Defense Systems, Energy Efficiency, Laser & Microwave Sensing, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Mechatronics, Thermal Systems, Data Science and Analytics, Research Concentration | - |
Geosciences (GEOL/GEOP) | 1 | Mining Geoscience | 3 | Mining Geoscience, Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources, Research Concentration | - |
Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) | 1 | Decision Analytics | 5 | Decision Analytics, Process Safety, Internet of Things, Supply Chain Management, Research Concentration | - |
Business School | 4 | Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Human Resources Management, Decision Analytics | 5 | Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Human Resources Management, Decision Analytics, Research Concentration | - |
Mathematics (MATH) | 1 | Data Science and Analytics | 2 | Data Science and Analytics, Research Concentration | - |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | 6 | Thermal Systems, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Mechatronics, Renewable Energy and Energy Storage, Nuclear Power Engineering, Robotics and Autonomous Systems | 12 | Thermal Systems, Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Mechatronics, Renewable Energy and Energy Storage, Nuclear Power Engineering, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Resilient Marine Infrastructures, Drone Design and Application, Corrosion and Materials Degradation, Process Safety, Non-Metallic Materials, Research Concentration | - |
Petroleum Engineering (PETE) | 3 | Enhanced Oil Recovery, Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources, Sustainability in Petroleum Industry | 5 | Enhanced Oil Recovery, Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources, Sustainability in Petroleum Industry, Resilient Marine Infrastructures, Research Concentration | - |
Software Engineering (SWE) | 0 | None | 8 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cybersecurity and Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Data Science and Analytics, Decision Analytics, Internet of Things, Research Concentration | - |
Common Courses and Their Corresponding Concentrations
Common Course | Number of Concentrations | Name of Concentrations | When Offered |
CE 476 | 2 | Waste, Process | First Semester |
CHE 444 | 2 | Renewable Energy and Energy Storage, Hydrogen Mobility | First Semester |
CHEM 457 | 2 | Non-Metallic, Polymer | Second Semester |
CIE 482 | 2 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Drone Design and Application | First Semester |
CIE 483 | 2 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Drone Design and Application | First Semester |
COE 450 | 3 | Mechatronics, Bioelectronic Sensors, Internet of Things | First Semester |
COE 453 | 2 | Cloud Computing, Computer Networks | Second Semester |
EE 407 | 2 | Laser & Microwave Sensing, Electronic Defense Systems | First Semester |
EE 421 | 2 | Laser & Microwave Sensing, Electronic Defense Systems | Second Semester |
EE 436 | 2 | Mechatronics, IC Design and Fabrication | First Semester |
ICS 474 | 4 | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Data Science and Analytics, Internet of Things | Both Semesters |
ME 429 | 2 | Intelligent Energy Systems Management, Energy Efficiency | Both Semesters (First for Intelligent, Second for Energy Efficiency) |
ME 472 | 2 | Marine, Corrosion | First Semester |
Last edited by @Hasan_Fahad 2024-11-27T22:35:42Z
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